Numbered Procedural Steps Alignment


Bubba MaGrew

I am a technical writer who uses Word a lot to write user documentation. I
recently upgraded to Office 2007, and there are several things that I find
are very unfriendly for writing procedures.

The procedural template I use for one company uses Arial 11 pt font for the
document content, and Arial 14 pt for the number of the steps, as well as
call out on the screen images. The initial indent level for the procedures is
to have the number at 0 left margin and the content that follows it indented
to .25". This works great for 1 - 9, but when I get to double-digit numbers,
it places a .25" tab after the number and susequent lines of text do not
align with the new indent.

Not sure if this will show up in the blog correctly, but here is an example
of what it looks like:

9. Click the Submit button to submit the new record and continue to the
next page
of the document.
10. Enter the yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada yada
yada yada yada yada.

All numbers should be aligned at the left margin and all content should
begin at the same indent.

I can't seem to fix it, regardless of what settings I change. I've tried
changing the tab, using a space instead of a tab, creating a new numbered
list type, updating the style, changing the indents...... I can "fool" it by
changing the numbering from left alignment to right, then adding an indent to
the number of .25", but it's still not right.... I want to go back to Word

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