Office 2003 SP3 Update: Error #2349



I have tried multiple means of installing the SP3 update. I went through the
Microsoft knowledge base and found info regarding the LISTool.exe method of
removing the registered installation files. I have gone through and tried to
debug the registry. I have tried to check the helpmsg specs in DOS. Nothing
has benefitted me, as I am still unable to install the SP3 update. I
installed the SP1 update perfectly fine, but the SP2 and SP3 updates give me
the same error messages. I would love to hear from someone that KNOWS how to
solve this issue. I am not computer illiterate, but I don't have a masters
degree in programming either. I hope someone has an answer for me.

P.S. Ordering the SP3 CD is not an option.

Tobias Nunberger


Please first of all obtain a verbose log via activating the Windows
Installer Logging Policy by entering the following key into your registry:


Details for this setting are available in the following kb article:

Q314852: How to Enable Windows Installer Logging in Windows XP

Then run the setup and when it has failed, navigate to your user temp
folder via [START | Run | %temp%]. You should find at least one file
with the following naming scheme: MSIxxxxxx.log.

When you open that file, then go to the very end. There should be a line
like this: "MainEngine Thread returning xxxx". What is the return value?

Then open the Find window and search for "Return Value 3" (search
direction is from down to top). You can use these information for your
further research.

If you want me to have a look into your setup logs, please copy the
files in a ZIP archive and try if you can either attach it on your reply
here in the group of if you can place it on any public file share.

Good luck!

Kind Regards,

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