Office2007Ent crashes when not connected to network



I have Office 2007 Enterprise installed on Windows Vista Home on my laptop.
When starting the computer at home with my wireless network, everything
works fine. But when trying to start it outside home or with network turned
off, Office (tried Publisher, Word and Excel) sometimes starts to mainscreen,
sometimes this alone takes 2 minutes.
When trying to open a document it takes 2-5 minutes with a frozen computer,
trying to edit the document crashes or freezes the program.
When finally killed it through ProgramManager, switching network on again,
starting Office... everything works fine again.


Please respond someone or I'll throw this crap program out of the window.

Thanks in advance


Well, as far as I know, I haven't configured it to use ANY network resources.
Of course the printer is on the network, but if the program hangs because it
can't find the printer??? then something is serious wrong with it.

What resources can be configured? The only thing that I have told Office to
do is print documents and might have saved a file on the fileserver, but then
.... I must be able to remove a harddrive from the network (specially since
it is portable) with out the whole suite going nuts?

Bob I

If you start looking I suspect you will discover that you have it trying
to find things that are unavailable. Not too dissimilar to the issues
caused by hard mapping network drives and then having Office searching
for them when they are disconnected.

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