Old Project Schedule replaced by a New Schedule


Scott Q


I have a situation where a bug has caused the existing project schedule I
have in MSPS to be unusuable. I intend on deleting/removing the existing
Project Schedule and uploading a new version to take its place. The project
has however started some time back, and timesheets and updates have been
completed against this original schedule.

If I remove the schedule, are there any adverse consequences to past data
submitted to this project? Should I just leave both projects in MSPS and
call the second one version 2 and instruct people to use that?

Many thanks

Rod Gill


A new copy is likely to have completely different GUIDs for each Task etc.
Therefore any link to existing Timesheet data will be broken.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

Marc Soester [MVP]

Scott, generally you should try to keep your project server schedule up to
date and not a mpp file. That will avoid the issue you are having.


Scott -

We have found that we've gotten some corruption from time to time on our
schedules and they just behave badly.

The workaround that seems to work most times... save the mpp as a file local
to your machine. Then reimport the schedule using the import wizard. Match
up your resources - save as the same name. you will get a prompt that this
already exists - say ok.

This allows you to keep all the data and workspaces links in place.


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