Opening, Editing, Saving MS Word Document over HTTP


Ravi Chandra

Dear All.

I have one Asp.Net web Application. It’s a repository of Ms Office
Documents(Like Http://SampleSite/Ravi/Documents).

I am presenting these Office files as links to download. Every thing is
working fine. After this what I want to achieve is I need to have the
Version control on these Documents . So I need to open these document in
Office 2007 (without downloading to Local system) , and changes should be get
saved in the main web server (Over HTTP). All these should happen in the
background, used should not get any prompt for downloading and saving.

The same concept has been implemented in the Sharepoint Portal server , I
want to do it without SharePoint Server.

Thanks And Regards

~Ravi Chandra

Alvin Bruney [ASP.NET MVP]

Document versioning is a complex task best left to sharepoint, if you can't
afford the license, look around for an open source alternative. I wouldn't
want to point you in the direction of building your own because it is not


Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

[Shameless Author plug]
The O.W.C. Black Book, 2nd Edition
Exclusively on $19.99

Truv Singh

Hi Ravi,

What you need to do is to implement webDAV. This will allow you to edit
office documents over the internet using HTTP/HTTPS protocol. I think
sharepoint uses the same technology, not sure though. If you notice when you
click on a word document and select edit - it launches word directly. The
location of the documetn is a HTTP URL. This also allows the user to save the
document back into the repository without making a local copy.

There are not resources available on the internet. If you come across any
good ones let me know.
Look at the following URL. This gentleman has written a good example code
using WebDAv.

([email protected])

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