Opening .htm\.html attachments

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Errors opening outlook 2003 Attachments

I have 2 employees who cannot open .htm\.html attachments. When they double
click on the attachment it asks them to "save" or "cancel" the "open" is
grayed out. If they save it the file opens fine to the IE page.
If I configure another users on their computer they can open .htm\.html
attachments just fine and if I configure their login on another computer (all
windows xp spk3 with Office 2003 spk3) it works just fine. I thought maybe
it was a profile issue so I tried creating a test profile but they still got
the same message. I don't think it is anything configured in their email b/c
I just connect their client to the exchange server through the wizard and
then try the attachment. It makes me think that that since a new profile on
their current machine does not work it has to be something in the registry
since thier profile name stays the same.

Let me just add that I do not have Level1Remove registry on any of the other
comptuers that work. i don't think this is the case since when I configure
their login on another computer or another employees login on their computer
I have not set the Level1Remove registry entry. That is what make this so

Any ideas!!!

Roady [MVP]

The Level1Remove key is a per user configuration not per machine. So that
explains why it works for other users on the same machine. If you do not
have roaming profiles configured, they don't migrate their settings to
another machine either, which is why it works on another machine. So it is
still worth checking out that key location both in the Office registry key
as in the one for Policies.

Errors opening outlook 2003 Attachments

I have tried the Level1Remove under the user and it doesn't do anythihng?
Any other ideas? No other policies in place either.

Roady [MVP]

Have you looked at both locations?
Note that you should not configure this key at all as htm(l) files are not
blocked by default. Adding them to the registry key will raise their
security level and will force you to save them before opening.

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