Opening ppts converted to html...



I have some ppt slides that have been converted to html (ensuring that the
show slide animations while browsing checkbox is checked). The slides have
custom animations, like playing a sound (wav) or movie (wmv) on mouse click.
(All animations have been verified to work when viewing slides in ppt.)

My client laptops have very limited software installed. When I try to open
the converted html slides in IE on the client laptop, I am prompted to
install the Microsoft Office Animation RunTime (msorun.exe). Cancelling this
option to install allows the movie to play without incident - but the sounds
files don't play (problem 1). Now if I install the msorun.exe (to clear up
the hassle install prompt), the movies don't play at all (problem 2) and the
sounds no longer play either.

Problem 1 - why would the sound file not play in either case? Are there
other installs that I need to perform to get this to work? (I have re-run the
above test with the power point viewer installed on the client laptop - no
change in results)

Problem 2 - This problem baffels me - why am I being required to install
something that only prevents me from doing what I want (play the movie)...
any ideas here?

Thanks for your attention to these questions.


Glen Millar


The file msorun.exe is an Office animation runtime thingy that allows the
html animations to run. You might still see your presentation without
animations, but Internet Explorer will keep asking for it. You need it on
machines that do not have PowerPoint installed, usually 2002 and 2003. Also:

Sounds won't play across multiple slides on the web

Else, holler back!



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP


Please tell us your PowerPoint version,
whether you are using vba,
whether your dog has fleas, or
anything else relevant.


Thanks for the response.
Ok, I understand that the Microsoft Office Animation RunTime is somethign
that I must install. The problem is that before I install it, the movies will
playback in my PPTS saved as HTML pages (after the prompt for the install is
cancelled). After the installation, the movies no longer play at all in my
PPTS saved as HTML pages - that's the real question that I have. It appears
to me that the install is doing the opposite of its purpose. Any thoughts on

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

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