opening windows in other browsers


Ali Shahzad


infopath 2003. IE6. Firefox/ Opera
we have an infopath form which has a taskpane. Taskpane is an aspx page,
built with 2. Task pane has a some buttons to trigger various custom
functionalities. Most buttons open up a new window/dialog through (or like). Now for some compatibality reasons, we want that one
(or all) of our windows hence opened through task pane should open in opera
or firefox, and not in IE. I have changed my default browser to Opera now,
but still when i use task pane to open dialogs, they open in IE! If i open a
url through the windows Run command, they open just fine in my default
browser (opera). Is there a way to change Infopath settings, to use another
browser instead? Infopath settings? Registry settings?


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