Original size of an inline picture



Can anyone suggest a strategy or some code to determine the original size of
an inline picture? After several transformations (in Word) is the original
size lost, or is it retained and still available via VBA somehow?


Jean-Guy Marcil

Bear was telling us:
Bear nous racontait que :
Can anyone suggest a strategy or some code to determine the original
size of an inline picture? After several transformations (in Word) is
the original size lost, or is it retained and still available via VBA

This would do it:

Dim inlshpTest As InlineShape

Set inlshpTest = Selection.InlineShapes(1)

With inlshpTest
MsgBox Round(PointsToInches((.Height * 100) / .ScaleHeight), 2)
MsgBox Round(PointsToInches((.Width * 100) / .ScaleWidth), 2)
End With

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