Outline Numbering (now Multilevel Lists) in Word 2007



In my profession--Oracle Database Administration and UNIX/Windows System
Administration--I often must produce documentation on the use of our systems
and databases for users and administrators. The government agency I work in
requires documents to use outline numbering of paragraphs. Through Word
2003, this was fairly easy to accomplish with the Outline Numbered lists. In
Word 2007, this has changed somewhat. Outline numbering has been replaced
with Multilevel Lists, and I am finding them somewhat more difficult to use.

I cannot seem to apply an actual Multilevel List to a paragraph to make it
an outline numbered paragraph heading. I always get one of the numbered
heading styles. I am okay with this except that when I try to apply custom
formatting to a Multilevel List, the result never makes it back into my
document. Can someone give me some assistance with this? There are some
useful new features in the Multilevel Lists, but I am having a very difficult
time figuring out how to get the formatting of the selected list to be
applied to the document.

Kind regards,
Russ Cannon


Although this does not answer your question, it is a problem along the same
lines. When in Word 2007 I apply a multilevel list to the document, all the
heading style tabs switch to outlines Headings (ex. I Heading 1, A. Heading
2, etc). This is very helpful. However, when I then end the multilevel
list, the headings remain the same. I cannot apply a regular heading - only
an outline heading. In other words, once I change the multilevel setting
back to "None," the style tabs do not revert back to normal.
As this also has to do with multilevel list formatting, I thought I would at
it to your post.

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