Outlook forms integrated with Tasks



Hi all!

I want to create a Form (say leave application form) and post it to the Task
Folder of the recipients. This is kind of workflow I want to manage.
Following is the criteria:
• The form is created in having Task as the base form
• Applicant fills the forms
• Selects the recipients using To button and/or fills out the address of the
immediate boss
• Sends the mail
• Now boss receives the mail as his Tasks (or may be in email)
• After double clicking the message, the boss views the Form and fills out
some required fields
• Then sends it to the HR department (or some person in the hierarchy)
• HR department approves the Form
• The Task in the Task List of all persons is marked as Completed

I would appreciate if someone can help me in reaching to the solution. I
have gone through many sites and concluded the following:
• Visual Studio .Net COM Add in
o create a COM Add in, using VS2003.Net and provide users with the
functionality of receiving emails
o sending the forms as attachment to the mail
o updating the tasks manually using code
• Outlook VBA
o Creating the Forms in Outlook
o Manipulating the objects (text boxes, buttons etc) using VBA
 The problem is controls are not finely controlled using VBA in this case

Muneeb R. Baig

still learning the basics


the best option is to have a activex control embedded in the form. This way
you can use all controls available under windows forms api and better logic.
it will though everyone using this functionality to install the com add-in


Hi! I posted this message to the MS web site and now as i searched mor
for my answer i found this website. amazingly gr8.

any way, dear back2grid! plz explain what kind of activex ctrl can b
used wihtin VB6.0 or vc#.Net 2003.
if u cn provide me some psuedo or ref, i be thankful to u.

Muneeb R. Baig

still learning the basic

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