Outlook Send Receive Error


Scrap Monkey

I have XP, Office Student & Teacher edition with SP2. I use Outlook as my
e-mail client and until recently it's been fine. If I start the PC, log into
my user account, open Outlook then click send/ receive there's no problem.
However, if some else has been using their account or I log out of mine and
back in I get the following error:

Task 'pop3.blueyonder.co.uk - Receiving' reported error (0x80042108) :
'Outlook is unable to connect to your incoming (POP3) e-mail server. If you
continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or
Internet service provider (ISP).'

If I shut down the PC and reboot I can send/ receive again.

Any ideas?



Precisely the same problem here, Scrap Monkey, did you find a solution? If not, this is what I had to do.

First, I am using Windows XP and had Norton Internet Security 2006 running. The problem, in a word, was Norton. This must have cropped up because of one of their automatic downloads (don't get me started.)

I turned off all of its pieces, and turned them on one at a time, tracing the problem to either of the Spam Protection or Email Scan. If one of those components was enabled, I couldn't receive my Outlook mail after once logging out. Does this sound familiar yet? ;)

I found this "help" message at Microsoft, which wasn't terribly helpful: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/318790

With some further searching, I found a fairly non-helpful listing on Symantec's site, too, which just recommended d/l'g their newest version: http://service1.symantec.com/Suppor...36&nsf=nip.nsf&view=docid&seg=hho&lg=en&ct=us

I went ahead and did this, but ended up with some other issues with IS 2007, including losing the last 25 days of my current license. Much back-and-forth all weekend ended with me purchasing a local copy of IS 2007 (for $20 USD, after rebates), and still more nonsense.

Finally, today, all seems to be working.

The problem was Norton. The solution was newer Norton, but it cost me, which is beyond annoying, as they caused the problem in the first place.

I hope this helps, and do let me know how you are doing with the problem. Good luck!

F. H. Muffman


Since it looks like you're replying via a forum, you may want to mail the
administrators of that forum and tell them that they don't really behave
well when it comes to posting to a newsgroup.

1) Subject lines really shouldn't be so easy to change. (ok, this is a
personal preference, but, really, this message is a reply to some other
message, internet standards say the subject should start with Re: and have
the subject. If they want to disagree, they can feel free to email me and
we'll compare RFC knowledge and length of time on USENET.)

2) Replies should quote the original post by default. I have no problem
with trimming posts, in fact, a replier is suppost to trim it down to the
salient points, which, in fact, I did above since without the original text,
there is no salient points to be able to trim to)

Also, if you want a better experience in working with newsgroups, you may
want to invest time in learning to use a newsreader and connecting to
msnews.microsoft.com with it.

Scrap Monkey

Thanks Erika,

I too have Norton IS altough its the 2005 edition. Someone else suggested it
might be the root of the problem and I have tried turning various elements
(and the whole thing!) off without any success. So, you think I need to
upgrade to the latest version to resolve the problem? Ahh well, I suppose
I've got to spend my hard earned cash on something!


Scrap Monkey

Brian Tillman

Scrap Monkey said:
I too have Norton IS altough its the 2005 edition. Someone else
suggested it might be the root of the problem and I have tried
turning various elements (and the whole thing!) off without any
success. So, you think I need to upgrade to the latest version to
resolve the problem? Ahh well, I suppose I've got to spend my hard
earned cash on something!

You may need to uninstall Norton completely and then reinstall without the
mail scanning feature to truly disable it.

Gary VanderMolen

Scrap Monkey said:
Thanks Erika,

I too have Norton IS altough its the 2005 edition. Someone else suggested it
might be the root of the problem and I have tried turning various elements
(and the whole thing!) off without any success. So, you think I need to
upgrade to the latest version to resolve the problem? Ahh well, I suppose
I've got to spend my hard earned cash on something!

It's called throwing good money after bad.
A security software producer who screws up multiple times will get
banned from my PC.

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