Parent - Child Structure



I have a form that has the main datasource as an Access database. The
database contains a parent and two child tables. The relationship is
one (parent) to many (either child). The parent table contains
overview information and the child tables are contact and revision
information in repeating InfoPath tables.

Problem: If I fill out the parent table information but don't fill out
any child information (not required), InfoPath is automatically adding
a row to the child tables in Access. The rows contain the key
information from the parent and all other fields are blank. Even if I
blank out the key fields in the child table, InfoPath autofills the
keys when I submit.

Is there a way to get around this? I only want to have child rows if
information was actually added to the repeating table. Otherwise, I
have a bunch of blank rows (with key info) in my database.



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