pay pal button



i am building my own site with frontpage 2002 and was wondering if someone
could answer a quick question?

i am just about at the point to put up paypal buy now buttons. and shopping
when i put up my shopping cart from paypal would i place this inside of my
top border (my nav bars logo are there) or do i put the cart in the body of
the page?

Stefan B Rusynko

Anything in shared border is applied to all pages
and if it uses any scripts they will not be included unless they are inside of the body tags of the shared border page


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
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|i am building my own site with frontpage 2002 and was wondering if someone
| could answer a quick question?
| i am just about at the point to put up paypal buy now buttons. and shopping
| cart
| when i put up my shopping cart from paypal would i place this inside of my
| top border (my nav bars logo are there) or do i put the cart in the body of
| the page?

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