Picture Manager Problem



I'm an environmental monitor and I've been trying out Office 2007 and I've
been using MS Picture Manager to manage the 100 - 200 photos I take on an
average week.

I upload my pictures into a folder named Fresh Pics then open this with MSPM
and then Sort by date then select all then rename in the following manner 27
Feb Photo 1, 27 Feb Photo 2, 27 Feb Photo 3 and so on. The problem I'm having
is that I often find one or two stubborn picture files that refuse to be
sorted by date after I rename the days batch. I've tried naming the files
differently to see if that would help but to no avail. I end up having to
waste a bunch of time manualy changing things and its getting to be extremely
annoying. Of course I also have to add the time I spend manually checking to
see if my renaming efforts worked.

My quest for a simple photomanagement program that simply works continues.


Thanks Mary, I tried Picasa and I there were some things I liked about it
that I haven't seen in other programs but unfortunately it wouldn't allow me
to use the exact naming convention I wanted.

Your suggestion helped in that it forced me to once again accept that I will
always have to use an ever gropwing number of programs to get the simplest
things done.


Hi Mary

Picasa sorted, viewed and saved things in the right order but unfortunately
it just wouldn't let me use the naming convention I wanted.

Your suggestion helped in that it reinforced that I will always need to use
multiple programs to get even the simplest things done. I must have 6 or 7
that upload/edit/view/manage whatever my images/photos/pictures etc etc on
the go already I guess one more won'y hurt.


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