Populate Dropdown with Unique Items from SharePoint list



I have read every single post on this subject on this newsgroup, on
infopathdev, and many others trying to figure this out. I am
completely stumped.

All I want to do is populate a dropdown with a column from a
sharepoint list (easy)
I only want to populate the dropdown with unique entries (been working
on it for a day now can't figure it out)

i have found the cascading examples but have been unable to reverse
engineer them to something as simple as filtering a single dropdown,
that is being populated by a column in a sharepoint list (secondary
data source) for unique records. Please help out if you can. Thanks



On the drop-down list box properties window, on the botton of the data tab
there is a check box called "show only entries with unique display names."
Did you try that?


I'm dealing with a similar issue -- or at least I'm having a similar issue
trying to reverse engineer the cascading list examples. I'm actually trying
to populate a list box based on the selection made from a dropdown. I've read
the cascading list box help section, I've played around with the filtering,
but I still can't get it to work. I feel like I'm close, but close doesn't
count :) And after working on it all day, I have something like an ice cream
headache, only without the fun.

What I am trying to do is this:
a) Created a dropdown list for Items, which is linked from a SharePoint list
for catalog items (item column);
b) I created a list box for ItemCost, which is also linked to the SharePoint
list for catalog items (cost column).

I want the cost for an item to display in the list box based on the user's
selection. For example: User wants to order a coffee mug, selects coffee mug,
and voila! ...the cost appears in the Cost field.

In the list box properties screen for the Cost list box, under Entries, I
have selected the "Select XPath" button and then the filtering option. The
filter options available don't seem to correlate with what I'm trying to
achieve. Is there some way to write an "If then else" here? What's the best
way to go about it? Do I need to code some XML statement to achieve this?

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