PowerPoint Speaker Notes Question



1. When the speaker notes appear on the screen in Nornal view, I can't seem
to get the speaker notes font to show larger. For example, when I select text
and right click to change the font, the font changes when I print out the
notes, but not on the screen.

2. Also, when I print out the notes in "Print What> Notes Pages" , the text
gets cut off at the right margin when printing landscape. How do I get this
to wrap so it will print properly in landscape?

3. When I print out notes in "Print What>Notes Pages", the text cuts off at
the bottom of the page. How do I print the rest of the material on the notes
page if it runs beyond the bottom of the page? Why doesn't the program just
print a separate sheet with the continuation of the notes?

Thanks for your help!

John Wilson

We got so annoyed with the tiny notes (we jump around a lot when presenting,
not stare into the screen!) that we devised a way round it. It would be a
fair bit of work if you already have the notes done though. Method at

Page problem are often sorted by File > send to Msoft word > choose slides
and notes option


Thank you, Gentlemen. I do appreciate it, and will let you know if I still
have troubles.

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