Powerpoint webpages: removing starting ActiveX


Paul Garlick

Hi guys,

I wonder if someone can help me with my problem. I am attempting to use
Powerpoint to create a simple webpage for part of a degree project. I
decided to get to grips with PowerPoint 2002 by making a 2 page presentation
with a hyperlink between the two slides.

I exported the page and was *astonished* to find the amount of extra
files/graphics/pages/info/whatever that Powerpoint had inserted/added to what
was 2 very plain pages.

I was frustrated to see that Powerpoint had added frames, some white space
and activeX to my presentation that was making viewing the page rather
difficult. After reading the knowledge base and other articles on this forum
I was able to remove the starting frame, but I still have a few questions
that I was hoping someone could answer:

1) When I open my page with Internet Explorer, I get a warning message
saying that my page was optimised for "A newer version of Internet Explorer"
which is peculiar as I am using IE6.0.

2) After clicking my way through Problem (1) I get a wave of ActiveX
messages telling me that content is being blocked, even though my "webpage"
only consists of a plain box with ordinary text written in it.

3) After getting through problems 1 and 2 (by allowing content etc etc) I
finally view my page, and I see that it has made the entire page fit one
screen (even though I told it not to resize!) and it has a giant border down
the side (which is black). Is it possible to get my page to take up the
width of the viewing window - i.e. so the webpage is maximised?

4) Maybe I am just being picky, but the lines and graphics on my completed
webpage do not look the same as they do when drawing them in Powerpoint. The
lines look more like a screenshot that has been saved as a jpeg file - is
there any way to improve the quality of lines and graphics on the page?

If anyone could help me with any of the above points, I would be very
grateful - I cannot seem to find the answers on the knowledge base or on
other parts of this forum but I am amazed that questions like this havent
been asked before - maybe I am missing something obvious?!

Thanks again,


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