PPT file not viewed correct



Hi all,
i have made a presentation using powerpoint XP. I want to
distribute it in a CD with the viewer, but when I launch
my presentation with the viewer, the animation efect are
not shown. Why? I have all the DLLs inside the same
please help!!!

Thanks 4 all



Though you don't say so, I assume that you created the presentation with
PowerPoint 2002. The PowerPoint Viewer does not support the features that
are new in PowerPoint 2002. A new up-to-date Viewer will be released later
this year.

Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
(Tutorials and Autorun CD Project Creator)
PowerPoint Live! - Featured Speaker
Tucson, AZ; October 12-15, 2003

Kate Bowers

Is there any chance that we could be provided with a more
accurate date as I also need this facility. I recently
upgraded to 2002 due to the additional animation effects,
and when making my client's CD realised that the 97 Viewer
does not support them - despite the list of unsupported
features on the MS website not mentioning this!!!
Very annoying as was only purchased for the new animation
options and actually dislike using the new version!


Microsoft has not released a date and none of us work for Microsoft, so we
don't have any more information than you do.

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