PPT freezing, dangerously low on resources?!?!



I am running Office 2000 on Windows ME, with a Dell dimension 8100
(Pentium 4 w/ 128 RAM). I have a sonicwall firewall running McAfee
virus protection software and my critical update files for office and
windows are current. The problem: when I try to open any Powerpoint
presentation, my machine freezes during the PPT launch (at a gray
screen). I have to control/alt/delete to get out of the freeze, and
it says, "The system is dangerously low in resources! Would you like
to terminate the following application?" I can close powerpoint by
tabbing through the choices (the mouse doesn't work at this point),
but if I try to open another application or even open a folder, it
says, "There is not enough memory to run this program. Quit one or
more programs, and then try again." There are no other running
programs that I am aware of – something is wrong, though, because I've
run many open windows in the past with no problems (photoshop,
powerpoint, and excel used to run effortlessly all at once). I
usually hit control/alt/delete until the machine re-starts (generally
takes two or three tries) and when it fires back up I always have to
restore my active desktop. The symptoms sound similar to those
described for a Word freezing issue where the solution is to
remove/replace normal.dot. I can't find any info on the powerpoint
problem. The rest of office runs fine as long as I stay away from
powerpoint. Also, when I open a folder with powerpoint files in it,
and I then select a powerpoint presentation (just highlighting it) I
can see the preview of the title page in the dialog box. Any ideas?
I am at a loss and this is definitely hampering my productivity so any
help is appreciated!!


Fantastic!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for both suggestions -- I tried the .PCB
deletion and it worked like a charm! I thank you, and the boss thanks
Best regards,

Echo S said:
Try *.ppa files also.

presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego http://www.powerpointlive.com

Steve Rindsberg said:
I'm not sure if this'll help but as it relates in a way to the Word freeze you
mentioned, give it a try:

Make sure PPT isn't running.

Search your HDD for *.PCB files. There should only be one named PowerPnt.PCB
or one per username on the computer. In the latter case, you want the one that
matches your username.

Either delete it or rename it to a different extension.

Then try PPT again. If it starts, it'll have lost all your customizations but
hey, it started. Progress. ;-)

Good luck!

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
PPT FAQ: www.pptfaq.com
PPTools: www.pptools.com
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA www.PowerPointLive.com

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