Printing pictures from reports

  • Thread starter quinto via
  • Start date

quinto via

The pictures display correctly, but if I try to enter a page break I get an
error and when I try to print all pictures or l select pages to print I also
get an error.
Can someone give a suggestion?
I did a lot of searching but I am unable to find a solution


Dim MyPictNo As Integer

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim MyPicture As String
MyPictNo = MyPictNo + 0
MyPicture = CurrentProject.Path & "\Photo\" & Format(MyPictNo, "000") & ".
ImgPhoto.Picture = MyPicture + 0
End Sub

Private Sub ImgPhoto_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Report_Activate()
MyPictNo = 0

End Sub

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

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