printing sections as seperate documents



I have a report that gets several pages of information for each of our
clients. So the report itself is about a 1,000 pages. Each client in the
report is a section. We have a copier that can staple the pages together for
each client as it is sent to print, but it needs to get to the printer as
seperate documents so the printer knows what pages to staple. Any idea how
to solve this?

Would I need to have a loop through all the clients and run each report
seperately for each client printing as it goes? or is there setting that
might do this?

John Spencer

I would think that you would have to loop through the client list and print a
separate report for each client.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County


I would like to ask a follow up question. First, I am a novice w/Access and
probably don't know what I'm doing.

I have a similar issue. I have a report that is grouped by department
supervisors which I would like to send to the individual supervisor. My
thought was to print the entire report to a PDF file and parse it to
individual files but that software does not seem to exist! So, my next
thought was to see if I could create separate report files which brings me to
this posting.

How would I get my output to print to separate reports? My "ideal solution"
would be to output the separate sections to individual PDF files which would
then be emailed to the supervisors.

Is this a pipe dream?


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