Problem - Multiple Monitors? Multiple Windows?

  • Thread starter Christo w/Excelisys (866-592-9235)
  • Start date

Christo w/Excelisys (866-592-9235)

I have a mac G4, running OSX 10.2.6, 1 GIG RAM, with an extra video card so
that I can have two monitors.

On my left side monitor I keep a window open to my Calendar, on my right
side monitor I keep another window for e-mail.

Here is the glitch - if I create a subfolder, move a folder from one place
to another on my right side monitor containing the mail view, my left side
calendar window automatically changes to the e-mail folder list view.

Why would what is going on the right side effecting the left side view?

Any ideas on why this is happening?

Anyone, anyone? Bueller?

Thanks in advance!

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