Problems with Word and Adobe Distiller


Steven A. Holmes

OS X question:

I have installed Adobe Distiller, and when I open Word, it hangs for about
20 seconds and then places Adobe icons on my toolbar. Evertime I go to pen a
file or create a new file in Word, Word hangs again for 15 to 20 seconds. It
is driving me crazy. Removing Distiller does not help.



Corentin Cras-Méneur

Steven A. Holmes said:
OS X question:

I have installed Adobe Distiller, and when I open Word, it hangs for about
20 seconds and then places Adobe icons on my toolbar. Evertime I go to pen a
file or create a new file in Word, Word hangs again for 15 to 20 seconds. It
is driving me crazy. Removing Distiller does not help.

Removing Distiller cannot help actually. What happens is theat the
Distiller installs a Stratup item for Word. This startup item is the
cause of all your trouble.

You can try removing it from /Applications/Microsoft Office
X/Office/Startup/Word and relaunching the app, the speed should be much


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