Project Server 2007 Consolidation

  • Thread starter Chris Dent [MVP]
  • Start date

Chris Dent [MVP]

Hi guys,

I wonder if anyone can help out. I have two Project Servers running separate


As a standalone server with an MS SQL 2005 Expresss database. And:


Which runs as a single-server farm with MS SQL 2005 Server running on a
separate machine.

Given that these sites are entirely different, is it possible to take the
content from the first and drop it into the second (stand-alone server to
farm)? And if so, any pointers on how would be most welcome.

I thought I'd be able to get away with copying over (well, backup and
restore) the ProjectServer databases (archive, drafts, published and
reporting). But that made the farm version exteremly unhappy.

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Your best bet is to migrate the content manually. You may be able to use the
palybooks tool, from the Project Server Resource Kit, to move the settings.
I'm not certain of this because I don't work with basic installation option.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
For Project Server Consulting:
For Project Server FAQS:

Chris Dent [MVP]

Thanks Gary, I'd suspected that might be the case after breaking the server
so many times attempting to move it over :)

Thanks for your assistance :)

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