Project Server 2007: Custom Fields not showing in Configuration



At 2 independents clients of mine I have experienced the same problem.
At first I have created custom fields and in Cube> Configuration, they
showed up as dimensions or measures, no problem. But after a while I
created some more fields but they never seem to make it to
Cube>Configuration anymore. I have tried both a lookup-table linked
field and a field where there is no custom attribute(a "free" field),
and for both the same applies: It's a no-show in Configuration,
neither as dimension or as measure.

Anyone experienced this problem in the past???


Gary L. Chefetz

Here's a guess, since you don't provide much detail on the custom fields:

If the lookup table was multi-value, this will not show up in the cube as a
dimension and is not eligible as a fact
Fields without lookup tables are not available to add to the cube as
Non numeric fields cannot be added as measures

Does this clear things up for you?

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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Thanks for your answer...
I tried adding a "Skills" lookup table field to the cube. It would be
so handy if you could somehow make a Data Analysis view where the
filter is Skills. For example you could select the skill "Consultant"
and then the graph would show work for the role Consultant and the
availability for all those who have that skill...
I allready made such a view in the past, but I have no doubt you are
right about the multi-value impossibility, so I must have made that
view with a normal lookup table...

Do you have an alternative way to make such a view in EPM?


Gary L. Chefetz


You have to start with sound logic before you can create a view or report
that has any meaning. If you create a single value field and
deterministically assign resources to one node, then you can create the
view. Otherwise, how can you possibly determine where to count the capacity?
If most or many or even some of your resources have multiple skills, the
creating a multi-value field is great for resource matching, but not for
calculating capacity. For instance, if a developer has three skills, it
doesn't mean that you have 24 hours of availability for that resource each
day. It means that you "potential capacity" in any one of those areas. So,
you need to roll-up to the highest common denominator, like "developer."

If you want to report on "potential capacity," you can write a custom report
in SRS, but you need to train your users how to consume the information.

Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
Project Server Consulting:
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Project Server Help Blog:



You are absolutely right...It would be a partly unlogic solution, but
still customers seem to appreciate it. Allthough they know that when
they select "Developer" you will see people who also have other
skills, but still if the work from the Developer Role exceeds all
availability of all users with that skill you know you'll not be able
to fill the gap within the organisation and you'll have to hire extra
staff. So don't get me wrong, Gary, but sometimes clients can ask the
craziest things, even though they are explained just what you wrote.
To make the SRS report is a little farstrectched, they first have to
learn to deal with standard EPM before learning them about SRS, but if
you go to Resource Center and have a view with all resources, you can
also make a filter there...Skills contain "Developer"....and that is
enough for these customers so far.. Thanks for your help!

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