Publishing from FP2003 halts when listing remote site


Peter J. New

When publishing my site to the remote host, transmission halts at the
point FrontPage commences listing the remote site. My hosting service
have checked their server on several occassions, have re-installed the
FrontPage Extensions, checked for locked files and claim my publishing
should work - it doesn't.

Steps taken so far:

FrontPage 2003 reinstalled at hosting service's suggestion and all
patches to 7th February 2004 applied.

Windows XP Professional plus Service Pack One with all patches to 7th
February 2004 applied.

After editing content, hyperlinks are recalculated, temporary files
deleted (Tools/Site Settings/Advanced/Delete Files) and the locations
of these temporary files checked manually to confirm deletion.

Publishing has been attempted via three different ISPs over ISDN 128
kbps, with and without a third party firewall.

Transmission process:

Connect to ISP via ISDN.

Click on File/Publish Site.

Enter user name and password when requested.

Subsites are listed then the 'Publish' button is highlighted when 65
kB of data received.

Click on 'Publish' button.

FrontPage lists the local path, halts for 15 seconds at 272 kB
received then recommences.

When FrontPage starts to list the remote site, at 400 kB received,
transmission halts.

After 10 minutes without further activity I press the 'Stop' button to
close the process cleanly.

ISDN line closed.

Additional information:

My site has 800 pages. I have run this site for five years with the
same hosting service.

When publishing works normally, after the 15 second pause mentioned
above, the listing of the remote site will continue to the point where
2 MB of data has been received. New and ammended files will be
uploaded, their paths and names being displayed. After further cross
checking of content to ensure the local and remote sites match the
publication process will terminate successfully.

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