Publishing Infopath forms to Outlook message or task templates


Helen Widdicombe

Is it possible to publish, or copy and paste, Infopath forms to Outlook
message templates. It is possible to have checkboxes in a message because we
pasted from Sharepoint and could still check and uncheck them.

The instructions for Outlook message templates says to turn off Word message
editing, which does not help me here, because it makes the Infopath fields
useless. Microsoft have integrated all their other products, what about
Outlook and Infopath? We want to be able to fill in a form in a nice
userfriendly task template, then attach a file to it. Having it published on
our internal sharepoint site is an optional extra. Currently we can fill in
the form there but not attach the file.

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

I don't know much about the Outlook-InfoPath integration and almost nothing
about Outlook other than sending mail with it, but do not think that the
integration goes that far. You have provided good feedback, though, that
Microsoft could use. Why don't you copy/paste your question and convert it
into a suggestion for Microsoft? I'm not sure where you're posting from, but
the Suggestion link can be found under the New menu on this site:

BTW, you could also post your question in the Outlook newsgroup. Perhaps the
folks there know more.

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