Publishing site with picture gallery results in table of pictures



I am trying to move my web site from its original computer to a laptop. The
web site has several picture galleries. When I publish the web site to the
laptop over my wireless network it succeeds and looks great. But when I go
to edit the web page with the picture galleries on the laptop they have all
been converted to tables within the web pages. They look good, but I can't
edit the picture galleries the way I am able to on the original computer.
All the picture gallery files are copied over and there aren't any errors on
the web pages. I checked my web hosting site and the picture galleries are
displayed to tables there also and all the photo gallery files are copied to
the hosting site properly. My desire is to be able to edit my picture
galleries on the laptop too. Is the conversion of picture galleries to
tables during publishing by design in FP2003 or is there some way to retain
the picture galleries when the web site is published? My published site's
URL is, but, as stated above, the picture galleries
are tables there.

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