Q. Common dialog control 6.0


Matthew Byrne

I'm having difficulties with the Common Dialog Control 6.0 ActiveX control. I can place it on a for with the name "oDialog". Then I call the ShowOpen method from a Command Button but nothing happens!

Douglas J. Steele

I'd skip trying to use it all together and simply make API calls. See
http://www.mvps.org/access/api/api0001.htm at "The Access Web" for a
complete example.

The control is simply too prone to versioning problems.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(No private e-mails, please)

Matthew Byrne said:
I'm having difficulties with the Common Dialog Control 6.0 ActiveX
control. I can place it on a for with the name "oDialog". Then I call the
ShowOpen method from a Command Button but nothing happens!

Mel P


in VB6 the comon dialog control has a ShowOpen method

If you put a common dialog control on an Access form it does not have this method so it cannot be used this way - I do not know how to use it, only that I haven't found a way! It may only be shown if you have VB or VB net installed on the same PC. I found that with the datagrid control. Best of luck.

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