Query combining information 3 tables

  • Thread starter RichardM via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

RichardM via AccessMonster.com


I have made a query containing 3 tables. Table 1 has field A. Table2 has
field A and B, Table 3 has field A and C
I would like the query result to give me all records A from table1 and reqord
B and C accordingly if they exist.
In the moment I have used left join from table1 to table 2 and 3 but it gives
me more rows as it will fetch table2 and table 3 entries into different rows.
How I cannot get it combined so it will give the result on same row with
record A, B and C



SELECT tableA.fieldA, tableB.fieldB, tableC.FieldC
FROM (tableA LEFT JOIN tableB ON tableA.fieldA=tableB.fieldA)
LEFT JOIN tableC ON tableA.FieldA=tableC.FieldA

should do.

Vanderghast, Access MVP

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