query criteria eliminates too many record results



I have created 2 identical select queries except that one should display
records with a value greater than zero and the other should display records
less than or equal to zero in the products.productfamily field.

The first query works fine and eliminates all records with a value less than
or equal to zero as I have placed >0 in the query criteria field for the
products.productfamily field

The trouble is that when I type <=0 in order to eliminate all records that
are greater than zero, no record results display even though there are
several records that fit the criteria.

This database field data type is numeric and contains a row source lookup

what can the issue be?


Susan said:
I have created 2 identical select queries except that one should display
records with a value greater than zero and the other should display records
less than or equal to zero in the products.productfamily field.

The first query works fine and eliminates all records with a value less than
or equal to zero as I have placed >0 in the query criteria field for the
products.productfamily field

The trouble is that when I type <=0 in order to eliminate all records that
are greater than zero, no record results display even though there are
several records that fit the criteria.

This database field data type is numeric and contains a row source lookup

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You can do this in one query - something like this:

Don't put the criteria in the WHERE clause, put it in the SELECT clause
and use the SUM() aggregate function.

SELECT SUM(IIf(ProductFamily>0,1,0)) AS GTZero,
SUM(IIf(ProductFamily<=0,1,0)) As LTEZero
FROM Products
WHERE [ Date range criteria??? ]

MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
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