Rebuild Deleted Most Messages


Sue Donum

This is the second time I'm posting this...I posted it about 6 hours ago,
after rebuilding my database, but never saw it. Now I realize that somehow I
posted it to, which I guess is not the
same newsgroup???


OK...I got another error message indicating my database was corrupted. I
followed the instructions for verifying my database, and found that, yes, it
was corrupted. I then rebuilt my database. Now most of my messages are gone.
Any I do have only go back to last Wednesday.

I clicked on View‹>Get More Messages, but nothing happened.

This is very annoying and extremely frustrating.

Diane Ross

Sue Donum said:
OK...I got another error message indicating my database was corrupted. I
followed the instructions for verifying my database, and found that, yes, it
was corrupted. I then rebuilt my database. Now most of my messages are gone.
Any I do have only go back to last Wednesday.

I clicked on View‹>Get More Messages, but nothing happened.

Are the news messages the only ones you are not seeing? What about your
other accounts? (POP, IMAP, Exchange)
This is very annoying and extremely frustrating.

When Entourage rebuilds it makes a duplicate. You can revert to this
duplicate to see your old mail. You might need to manually move into a new
Identity since your rebuild resulted in so much loss of data.
Version: 2004

What version of 2004? Look under About Entourage.
The last version was 10.5.1.
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5.3 (Leopard)

You should upgrade to 10.5.4.

Mac OS X 10.5.4 Combo Update
(For both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs )

Sue Donum

Are the news messages the only ones you are not seeing? What about your
other accounts? (POP, IMAP, Exchange)

When Entourage rebuilds it makes a duplicate. You can revert to this
duplicate to see your old mail. You might need to manually move into a new
Identity since your rebuild resulted in so much loss of data.

Where is the dup kept? And why did my messages go to Entourage Heaven?

What version of 2004? Look under About Entourage.
The last version was 10.5.1.

10.5.1??? I have v. 11.4.0 (part of Office 2004, which was updated to v.
11.5.1 two days ago).
You should upgrade to 10.5.4.

Mac OS X 10.5.4 Combo Update
(For both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs )

Actually, I've been holding off, as I ws concerned about aggravating any
Entourage problems (or, conversely, having a OS X problem as a result of my
Entourage problems).

But ultimately, I am simply perplexed by Entourage. Prior to migrating to OS
X, I was using Outlook Express under OS 9, and rarely had problems. Now I
seem to be plagued by them, and they're consuming a lot of my time.
(Sheesh...I feel like I'm on a Windows machine!)

To me, Entourage seems like OE on steroids...real cool. But the problems
seem to be on steroids as well. At least with OE, I was able to figure out
what was going on (for the most part) and work things out on my own. But now
with Entourage, I simply haven't a clue!

Diane Ross

Sue Donum said:
BTW: What's the difference between this newsgroup and

Microsoft keeps old newsgroups around even when they are dead. Don't ask me

Diane Ross

Sue Donum said:
Where is the dup kept? And why did my messages go to Entourage Heaven?

When your database is severely corrupted $#@! happens. BTW, how did you get
your data over from OE?

In your Microsoft User Data folder located in your Documents folder, open
your Office 2004 Identities folder. Old files are named:

Entourage 2004: Main [Backed up date and time will be shown] e.g. Main
[Backed up 1-21-2007 13.35]

Select the backed up Identity to open under "Switch Identity" (under
Entourage in the Menu bar)
10.5.1??? I have v. 11.4.0 (part of Office 2004, which was updated to v.
11.5.1 two days ago).

That should have been 11.5.1. Sorry.
Actually, I've been holding off, as I ws concerned about aggravating any
Entourage problems (or, conversely, having a OS X problem as a result of my
Entourage problems).

Combo updaters will often fix the underlying problems. The incremental
updaters you download via Software Update do not go back and overwrite all
files. When these files get corrupted you start having problems. Always use
combos when available.
But ultimately, I am simply perplexed by Entourage. Prior to migrating to OS
X, I was using Outlook Express under OS 9, and rarely had problems. Now I
seem to be plagued by them, and they're consuming a lot of my time.
(Sheesh...I feel like I'm on a Windows machine!)

Making the change requires different ways of doing things. The more you
learn the more you will like OS X.
To me, Entourage seems like OE on steroids...real cool. But the problems
seem to be on steroids as well. At least with OE, I was able to figure out
what was going on (for the most part) and work things out on my own. But now
with Entourage, I simply haven't a clue!

Entourage is based on OE and the basis are the same. See Get Started with
Entourage. It will help you with the changes.


Sue Donum

When your database is severely corrupted $#@! happens. BTW, how did you get
your data over from OE?

I simply installed Office 2004 on the iMac (I've had it for several years --
it was a gift -- but never used it while on OS 9 on my old machine), and
imported my OE files into Entourage from a USB backup drive I'd been using
with my old machine.
In your Microsoft User Data folder located in your Documents folder, open
your Office 2004 Identities folder. Old files are named:

Entourage 2004: Main [Backed up date and time will be shown] e.g. Main
[Backed up 1-21-2007 13.35]

Oh that?...I didn't think of it as a "duplicate," just simply a
"just-in-case" backup.

Select the backed up Identity to open under "Switch Identity" (under
Entourage in the Menu bar)

Sure. But then what do I do, inasmuch as that database is corrupted? I mean,
I can't use it....unless you mean just use it to get what messages I can and
copy them to my "Folders on My Computer" archive.

That should have been 11.5.1. Sorry.

Combo updaters will often fix the underlying problems. The incremental
updaters you download via Software Update do not go back and overwrite all
files. When these files get corrupted you start having problems. Always use
combos when available.

OK...I'll go to and get the combo updater.

Making the change requires different ways of doing things. The more you
learn the more you will like OS X.

As far as Entourage is concerned, I seem to be learning little more than how
to apply "recipes" (courtesy of yourself and the other MVPs) to fix specific
problems, without really understanding what the underlying issues are, nor
why the "recipes" work.

OS X is incredibly stable (though I did have a kernel panic early on...not
knowing what it was, it scared the $#%^** outta me). However, it is nowhere
near as intuitive as OS 9. My biggest complaint has to do with the nature of
the windows (one can have multiple copies of the same window open
simultaneously, which can be a source of great confusion), as well
increasingly frequent -- and extended -- visits by Mr. Spinning Beachball
(often to the point that I've come to think of it as OS X's version of an OS
9 freeze).
Entourage is based on OE and the basis are the same. See Get Started with
Entourage. It will help you with the changes.


I'll give it a college try. ;)

Diane Ross

Sue Donum said:
"Old?" It has messages from May, June, July, and August 2008.

People ask, but who is answering? None of the MVPs monitor these old

Diane Ross

Sue Donum said:
Sure. But then what do I do, inasmuch as that database is corrupted? I mean,
I can't use it....unless you mean just use it to get what messages I can and
copy them to my "Folders on My Computer" archive.
If you manually move those messages into a new Identity, you will find that
the results is in a very stable database. The fact that you can open it
gives you the opportunity to export. Just for extra security, make a backup
of this database in case during the exporting of data it decided to die.
Always work from a copy when rescuing data.

How to manually move your data. (when import fails and/or you need to move
to a new Identity same version or revert to an older version)

As far as Entourage is concerned, I seem to be learning little more than how
to apply "recipes" (courtesy of yourself and the other MVPs) to fix specific
problems, without really understanding what the underlying issues are, nor
why the "recipes" work.

Ask questions and we will try. I would much rather teach someone than just
give them an answer. It's the old "teach a man to fish" adage.
OS X is incredibly stable (though I did have a kernel panic early on...not
knowing what it was, it scared the $#%^** outta me).
Knowing what to expect makes them less scary. They scare everyone the first
time. I've probably had less than 10 and I was an early adopter of OS X. I
installed as soon as it came out.
However, it is nowhere near as intuitive as OS 9.

That's because it's new. Give it some time.
My biggest complaint has to do with the nature of
the windows (one can have multiple copies of the same window open
simultaneously, which can be a source of great confusion),

Can you give me an example and I'll see if we can see why this is happening.
as well
increasingly frequent -- and extended -- visits by Mr. Spinning Beachball
(often to the point that I've come to think of it as OS X's version of an OS
9 freeze).

Could just mean you need more RAM. I recommend at least 2GB. Leopard is much
hungrier than Tiger. If you open the Activity Monitor in Utilities folder,
you can see how much RAM is being used. Another option is to get iStat menus
(freeware). You can watch in the Menu bar your CPUs. If you see it getting
maxed out when you see the beachballs, then you might consider more RAM.

In case the above link does not work:

Barry Wainwright

Diane said:
Microsoft keeps old newsgroups around even when they are dead. Don't ask me

It has to do with the way that NNTP works. newsgroups messages are
stored on hundreds of servers all over the world. these servers sync to
each other on a schedule that is set locally on the server - it may be
every minute or two, or it could be once a week. When yu _create_ a new
newsgroup, that newsgroup eventually gets propagated round the system
and messages are synce around. that works well. When you try to _delete_
a newsgroup, you can delete your local copy, and that deletion _may_ get
propagated to the next server you sync to, but sooner or later a server
without the newsgroup is going to sync to a server with it, and will
assume it is a new newsgroup and recreate it. There's no sure-fire way
to ever kill a newsgroup once it is released into the public server arena.

As to why it exists - it was created once, when Entourage was new, but
the preferred newsgroup for posting is this one
(microsoft.public.mac.entourage) since the m.p.m.* hierarchy also
contains newsgroups for the other mac products.

Sue Donum

If you manually move those messages into a new Identity, you will find that
the results is in a very stable database. The fact that you can open it
gives you the opportunity to export. Just for extra security, make a backup
of this database in case during the exporting of data it decided to die.
Always work from a copy when rescuing data.

How to manually move your data. (when import fails and/or you need to move
to a new Identity same version or revert to an older version)


Well, perhaps it's the lateness of the night at the end of a long week, but
I'm finding the tersely styled narrative a bit impenetrable. (I *think* I
vaguely recall being able to accomplish something similar much more simply
in OE under OS least I could follow the instructions. ;) ).
Ask questions and we will try. I would much rather teach someone than just
give them an answer. It's the old "teach a man to fish" adage.

Knowing what to expect makes them less scary. They scare everyone the first
time. I've probably had less than 10 and I was an early adopter of OS X. I
installed as soon as it came out.

That's because it's new. Give it some time.

You could put an OS 9 machine in front of a 10-year old, and s/he'd be up
and running in 15 minutes, with no "adult supervision" (I vaguely recall a
PR stunt illustrating that fact: the kid beat out a corporate VP of
Technology in a Mac-to-PC setup race). Now *that's* intuitive.
Can you give me an example and I'll see if we can see why this is happening.

Open a new Finder window. Open another...and another...

When you're buried in Finder windows, it's not too difficult to get lost.
The times I've found it somewhat challenging has been when one of those
windows belonged to an external drive. It's easy to lose track of which
window is showing the "original" XYZ folder, and which is showing the backup
Could just mean you need more RAM. I recommend at least 2GB. Leopard is much
hungrier than Tiger. If you open the Activity Monitor in Utilities folder,
you can see how much RAM is being used. Another option is to get iStat menus
(freeware). You can watch in the Menu bar your CPUs. If you see it getting
maxed out when you see the beachballs, then you might consider more RAM.

In case the above link does not work:

I was under the impression that RAM (I've got the "standard" 2GB RAM on my
off-the-shelf 320 GB HD, 2.8 GHz iMac) would not be an issue unless VM was
being stretched to the max by concurrently running cycle-eating apps and/or
a crowded/fragmented HD. My HD is only half full, and Mr. Spinning Beachball
shows up and overstays his welcome with just Entourage and Safari running.

William Smith [MVP]

Sue said: about William Smith? He's been answering there.

Hi Sue!

I've been going there to direct folks back here. For the most part I
give my "FYI, this newsgroup is deprecated..." speech. Sometimes, I may

This is a response I gave about the deprecated newsgroups, which may
explain why you're still seeing them:


Rest assured, you're in the right group here. ;-)

Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>
YouTalk <>
Twitter: follow <>

Sue Donum

Hi Sue!

I've been going there to direct folks back here. For the most part I
give my "FYI, this newsgroup is deprecated..." speech. Sometimes, I may

This is a response I gave about the deprecated newsgroups, which may
explain why you're still seeing them:


Rest assured, you're in the right group here. ;-)

Hope this helps!

<chuckle> I just came back from there, having decided to see what you were
posting. I did see your "deprecated" message (hmmm...why the word choice
"deprecated?"), and I was about to post that fact here, but you beat me to

Diane Ross

Sue Donum said:
Open a new Finder window. Open another...and another...

When you're buried in Finder windows, it's not too difficult to get lost.
The times I've found it somewhat challenging has been when one of those
windows belonged to an external drive. It's easy to lose track of which
window is showing the "original" XYZ folder, and which is showing the backup

In the Finder you have the option to show volumes on the desktop or as I do,
use Finder windows instead.

In a Finder window you have the option to show as icons, by list view, cover
view and column view. I like column view for most things as it easily shows
the path. You can even select show path bar at the bottom of the window.

It is easy to get a lot of Finder windows open. I have a script application
that I keep in the window toolbar that quits all open windows except the
selected window..

Download this old OSX guide by Rob's free. It is an excellent
intro do OS X.


His latest.. Mac OS X Hints Superguide Leopard Edition $12.95 has a free
chapter you can download to see if you are interested.

I was under the impression that RAM (I've got the "standard" 2GB RAM on my
off-the-shelf 320 GB HD, 2.8 GHz iMac) would not be an issue unless VM was
being stretched to the max by concurrently running cycle-eating apps and/or
a crowded/fragmented HD. My HD is only half full, and Mr. Spinning Beachball
shows up and overstays his welcome with just Entourage and Safari running.

2GB should be plenty. Some people have 256 MB and wonder why they are
having problems. I can say that what you are experiencing does not sound
correct. This is starting to get a bit off topic for Entourage and could
best be answered on a general Mac mailing list. I can recommend two that are
excellent. Both are moderated so no spamming or arguing.

You¹ll find links for the Mac-L and OSX list on Suggested Links:


MacOSXHints forums are also excellent for getting help:


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