Recent Documents disappears !



I use Vista Home & Office 2007.

In the recent documents menu, after re-booting my PC, they disppear.
If I use excel or word during the day, they keep the recent documents opened
in the menu, but if I shut down the PC THEN they disappear.

Also under "Show this number of recent documents" in the
Advanced tab under the Excel/ or others/ options it resets to 17 everytime,
as well. Thouhg I change it to 9 recent opens, after the re-boot it is set
back to 17.

any ideas out there? cause i'm lost.

Bob I

Sounds like you have something preventing the changes from being saved
to the registry. privacy software? anti-malware. Also you could check
with the folks in the Vista group.


This happened to me as well. I loath Office 2007. I continue to use 2003
because I can't loose any more information. One thing you need to do -
uninstall all earlier versions of Office - otherwise the conflict will
create total loss of all information, you will need to reinstall either the
older version or 2007. Once the support for 2003 has ended, I'm switching to
another office type product. There are some good free ones , Open It works better and you don't have to continually give money to
Microsoft for unending upgrades with usually downgrade your work.


Well I've found my answer, after reading your replies I ... (first I must say
that I re-installed office and vista from a clean hard disk format a few days
ago)...uninstalled 2 programs the first being AVG 9.0 free anti-virus and the
second I removed Advanced Systems Care from IOBIT, a software that monitors
and repairs the registry, hard disk, etc.

Afterwards I re-installed only the anti-virus after verifying each time the
excel and others "recent Documents" and it works, therefore for me the
colprit is the ASC software.

Thank you.

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