Record search error


Matt Dawson

Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)



This is the code that I typically use:

On Error Resume Next
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "YourForm"

stLinkCriteria = "[YourField] =" & Me![YourUnboundNumericalCombo]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

If the Bound Column of your combo is a text field, replace the line above

stLinkCriteria = "[YourField] =" & "'" & Me![YourUnboundTextCombo] & "'"



It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.

Matt Dawson


How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?

Klatuu said:
It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.

Matt Dawson said:
Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)


Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub

Matt Dawson said:

How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?

Klatuu said:
It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.

Matt Dawson said:
Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)

Matt Dawson

Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued on has the date
with it?


Klatuu said:
Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub

Matt Dawson said:

How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?

Klatuu said:
It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)


It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what the combo

Matt Dawson said:
Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued on has the date
with it?


Klatuu said:
Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub

Matt Dawson said:

How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)

Matt Dawson

Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the relevant
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.


Klatuu said:
It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what the combo

Matt Dawson said:
Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued on has the date
with it?


Klatuu said:
Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)


Now we are talking about two different things. I don't understand how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can change the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When you reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't know and doesn't
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in the query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries. You may need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query it is a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains time as well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will almost never
match, because the time portions will be different.

Matt Dawson said:
Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the relevant
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.


Klatuu said:
It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what the combo

Matt Dawson said:
Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)

Matt Dawson

It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date]
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is the form!


Klatuu said:
Now we are talking about two different things. I don't understand how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can change the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When you reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't know and doesn't
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in the query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries. You may need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query it is a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains time as well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will almost never
match, because the time portions will be different.

Matt Dawson said:
Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the relevant
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.


Klatuu said:
It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)


Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an Access
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I don't know
that even that is 100% reliable.

Matt Dawson said:
It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date]
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is the form!


Klatuu said:
Now we are talking about two different things. I don't understand how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can change the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When you reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't know and doesn't
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in the query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries. You may need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query it is a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains time as well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will almost never
match, because the time portions will be different.

Matt Dawson said:
Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the relevant
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)

Matt Dawson

Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it to work.

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to no avail.

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.



Klatuu said:
Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an Access
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I don't know
that even that is 100% reliable.

Matt Dawson said:
It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date]
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is the form!


Klatuu said:
Now we are talking about two different things. I don't understand how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can change the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When you reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't know and doesn't
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in the query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries. You may need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query it is a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains time as well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will almost never
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the relevant
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)


I put this in the Criteria row of the query builder in the holdate column and
it worked fine

Matt Dawson said:
Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it to work.

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to no avail.

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.



Klatuu said:
Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an Access
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I don't know
that even that is 100% reliable.

Matt Dawson said:
It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date]
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is the form!



Now we are talking about two different things. I don't understand how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can change the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When you reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't know and doesn't
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in the query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries. You may need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query it is a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains time as well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will almost never
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the relevant
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " & vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes Then
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable (ACTIVITY) " _
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor & "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list, instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)

Douglas J. Steele

PMFJI. The fact that Matt's commenting about "at this late hour" implies to
me that he's probably located across the Atlantic from us. That means his
Short Date format may be set to something other than mm/dd/yyyy. If his
Short Date format is dd/mm/yyyy, that means the SQL is going to see
Acceptance.[Date] = #04/10/2006#, but Access will treat it as the 10th of
April, because that's what Access does.

Matt, try:

Acceptance.[Date] =

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Klatuu said:
I put this in the Criteria row of the query builder in the holdate column
it worked fine

Matt Dawson said:
Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it to work.

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to no avail.

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.



Klatuu said:
Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an Access
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I don't
that even that is 100% reliable.


It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is the



Now we are talking about two different things. I don't understand
how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to
always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can change
the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When you
reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't know and
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When
referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in the
query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries. You may
need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query it is
a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#"
and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains time as
well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will almost
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current
date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i
can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously
comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has
to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you
choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which
is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields
in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to
look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are
unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control
source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what
the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will
not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would
have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to
appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to
the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued
on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo
control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand
property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to
find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It
also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to
enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used
to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for
the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for
adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List
property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String,
Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " &
vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i
could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure
there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i
tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do
the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is
unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you
check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's
recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor
& "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for
and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is
unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list,
instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the
first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will
not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field
called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order
to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)


Good catch. I would not be surprised.

Douglas J. Steele said:
PMFJI. The fact that Matt's commenting about "at this late hour" implies to
me that he's probably located across the Atlantic from us. That means his
Short Date format may be set to something other than mm/dd/yyyy. If his
Short Date format is dd/mm/yyyy, that means the SQL is going to see
Acceptance.[Date] = #04/10/2006#, but Access will treat it as the 10th of
April, because that's what Access does.

Matt, try:

Acceptance.[Date] =

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Klatuu said:
I put this in the Criteria row of the query builder in the holdate column
it worked fine

Matt Dawson said:
Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it to work.

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to no avail.

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.




Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an Access
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I don't
that even that is 100% reliable.


It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is the



Now we are talking about two different things. I don't understand
how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to
always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can change
the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When you
reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't know and
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When
referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in the
query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries. You may
need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query it is
a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#"
and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains time as
well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will almost
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current
date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i
can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously
comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has
to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you
choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which
is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields
in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to
look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are
unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control
source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what
the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will
not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would
have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to
appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to
the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued
on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo
control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand
property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to
find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It
also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to
enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used
to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for
the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for
adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List
property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String,
Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " &
vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i
could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure
there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i
tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do
the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is
unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you
check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's
recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor
& "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for
and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is
unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list,
instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the
first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will
not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field
called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order
to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)

Matt Dawson

The problem is that it does not recognise the Forms!Acceptance!DateToday and
keeps asking me for a parameter.

The DateToday field is the text box with the default value set to =Date().
For some reason it wont recognise this.

ANy ideas?

Klatuu said:
Good catch. I would not be surprised.

Douglas J. Steele said:
PMFJI. The fact that Matt's commenting about "at this late hour" implies to
me that he's probably located across the Atlantic from us. That means his
Short Date format may be set to something other than mm/dd/yyyy. If his
Short Date format is dd/mm/yyyy, that means the SQL is going to see
Acceptance.[Date] = #04/10/2006#, but Access will treat it as the 10th of
April, because that's what Access does.

Matt, try:

Acceptance.[Date] =

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Klatuu said:
I put this in the Criteria row of the query builder in the holdate column
it worked fine


Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it to work.

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to no avail.

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" & [Forms]![Acceptance]![Date
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.




Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an Access
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I don't
that even that is 100% reliable.


It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is the



Now we are talking about two different things. I don't understand
how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to
always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can change
the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When you
reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't know and
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When
referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in the
query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries. You may
need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query it is
a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#"
and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains time as
well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will almost
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late hour!

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need current
date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn the
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date but i
can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it obviously
comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo has
to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you
choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list which
is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the fields
in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you want to
look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values are
unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The control
source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is what
the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it will
not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it would
have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need to
appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write to
the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was issued
on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo
control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand
property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the user to
find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value. It
also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to
enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually used
to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work for
the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that allows for
adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List
property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String,
Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute Table " &
vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") = vbYes
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO CISAttributeTable
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"), dbFailOnError
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way i
could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am sure
there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time i
tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset to do
the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record. It is
unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest you
check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the form's
recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" & Me.txtSearchFor
& "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search for
and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is
unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the list,
instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up the
first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino will
not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search field
called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in order
to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish, apologies)

Douglas J. Steele

Make sure you haven't mistyped the name of the form, or of the text box.

I assume that the form is open when you're running the query.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Matt Dawson said:
The problem is that it does not recognise the Forms!Acceptance!DateToday
keeps asking me for a parameter.

The DateToday field is the text box with the default value set to =Date().
For some reason it wont recognise this.

ANy ideas?

Klatuu said:
Good catch. I would not be surprised.

Douglas J. Steele said:
PMFJI. The fact that Matt's commenting about "at this late hour"
implies to
me that he's probably located across the Atlantic from us. That means
Short Date format may be set to something other than mm/dd/yyyy. If his
Short Date format is dd/mm/yyyy, that means the SQL is going to see
Acceptance.[Date] = #04/10/2006#, but Access will treat it as the 10th
April, because that's what Access does.

Matt, try:

Acceptance.[Date] =

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I put this in the Criteria row of the query builder in the holdate
it worked fine


Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it to

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to no

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.




Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I
that even that is 100% reliable.


It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is



Now we are talking about two different things. I don't
how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to
always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can
the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When
reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't
know and
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When
referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in
query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries.
You may
need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query
it is
a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] &
and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains
time as
well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need
date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date
but i
can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it
comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo
to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you
choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list
is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the
in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you
want to
look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values
unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The
source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is
the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it
not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it
have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need
appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write
the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was
on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo
control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand
property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the
user to
find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value.
also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to
enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually
to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work
the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that
allows for
adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List
property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String,
Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute
Table " &
vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") =
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"),
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way
could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am
there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time
tried to type in the
search it said i was duplicating data.


Where would i enter this? ONLoad?


It sounds like you are using the form's recordset
to do
the search, so when
nothing is found, it ends up at the last record.
It is
unusual to use a text
box for a search, but if you must, I would suggest
check for the value is
in the table before you start messing with the
recordset. I would
suggest the Before Update of your search text box.

Dim rst As Recordset

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[SearchField] = '" &
& "'"
If rst.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Record Not Found"
Cancel = True
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
End If
Set rst = Nothing.


Access 2003,

I currently have a form which is used to search
and update records. The
field from which i search is a text box and is
unbound and the search is by
Request ID.

When i type in a search which is not in the
instead of keeping the
blank record which isbegins with, it brings up
first record. Hence, the
agents, if they are not paying enough attentino
not realise that the
record is incorrect.

If my table is called Acceptance and search
called Combo24 (not a
combo box), what code would I need to right in
to stop this from


(Klatuu, our old convo did not finish,

Matt Dawson

When it is closed, the parameter appears and even when the form is open, the
date does not get updated. I do not awnt all records to have the date
contained. I only want the ones that have been had some form of entry in to
the form!

Also, for current records, how do I get the default value to be the current
user, rather than just for blank records. My form styarts with a blank recrod
with has the correct default, but then as soon as i select a recrod this
dissapears. Is it possible?


Douglas J. Steele said:
Make sure you haven't mistyped the name of the form, or of the text box.

I assume that the form is open when you're running the query.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Matt Dawson said:
The problem is that it does not recognise the Forms!Acceptance!DateToday
keeps asking me for a parameter.

The DateToday field is the text box with the default value set to =Date().
For some reason it wont recognise this.

ANy ideas?

Klatuu said:
Good catch. I would not be surprised.


PMFJI. The fact that Matt's commenting about "at this late hour"
implies to
me that he's probably located across the Atlantic from us. That means
Short Date format may be set to something other than mm/dd/yyyy. If his
Short Date format is dd/mm/yyyy, that means the SQL is going to see
Acceptance.[Date] = #04/10/2006#, but Access will treat it as the 10th
April, because that's what Access does.

Matt, try:

Acceptance.[Date] =

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I put this in the Criteria row of the query builder in the holdate
it worked fine


Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it to

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to no

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.




Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I
that even that is 100% reliable.


It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second is



Now we are talking about two different things. I don't
how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going to
always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can
the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When
reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't
know and
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value. When
referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is in
query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries.
You may
need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the query
it is
a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] &
and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains
time as
well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need
date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in turn
report. I can have a field which brings up the current date
but i
can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it
comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A combo
to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if you
choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value list
is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all the
in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you
want to
look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values
unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The
source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is
the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound, it
not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely it
have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I need
appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to write
the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was
on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The Combo
control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand
property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the
user to
find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value.
also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users to
enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is usually
to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will work
the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that
allows for
adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To List
property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As String,
Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute
Table " &
vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") =
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"),
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only way
could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am
there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every time

Douglas J. Steele

The form must be open if you're trying to refer to it in the query.

I think you're going to have to step back and explain exactly what it is
you're trying to do. I don't understand what you mean about only wanting the
ones that have had some form of entry in the form. I also don't understand
what you mean about default values for current records. Default values only
apply to new records: once the record's been saved, the field either has a
value or it doesn't, but the default value no longer applies.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Matt Dawson said:
When it is closed, the parameter appears and even when the form is open,
date does not get updated. I do not awnt all records to have the date
contained. I only want the ones that have been had some form of entry in
the form!

Also, for current records, how do I get the default value to be the
user, rather than just for blank records. My form styarts with a blank
with has the correct default, but then as soon as i select a recrod this
dissapears. Is it possible?


Douglas J. Steele said:
Make sure you haven't mistyped the name of the form, or of the text box.

I assume that the form is open when you're running the query.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Matt Dawson said:
The problem is that it does not recognise the
keeps asking me for a parameter.

The DateToday field is the text box with the default value set to
For some reason it wont recognise this.

ANy ideas?


Good catch. I would not be surprised.


PMFJI. The fact that Matt's commenting about "at this late hour"
implies to
me that he's probably located across the Atlantic from us. That
Short Date format may be set to something other than mm/dd/yyyy. If
Short Date format is dd/mm/yyyy, that means the SQL is going to see
Acceptance.[Date] = #04/10/2006#, but Access will treat it as the
April, because that's what Access does.

Matt, try:

Acceptance.[Date] =

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I put this in the Criteria row of the query builder in the holdate
it worked fine


Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.




Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I
that even that is 100% reliable.


It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second



Now we are talking about two different things. I don't
how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going
always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can
the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When
reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't
know and
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value.
referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is
query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries.
You may
need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the
it is
a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" &
[Forms]![FormName]![ControName] &
and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains
time as
well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need
date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in
report. I can have a field which brings up the current
but i
can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it
comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A
to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if
choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value
is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all
in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you
want to
look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values
unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The
source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is
the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound,
not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely
have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I
appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to
the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was
on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The
control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand
property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the
user to
find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value.
also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users
enter values that are
not in the row source of the combo. This is
to allow adding new
records to a table.

The code I posted earlier for the text box will
the combo as well.
Here is an example of the Not In List event that
allows for
adding new
records. For this to work, the combo's Limit To
property needs to be
set to Yes so this event will fire

Private Sub cboActivity_NotInList(NewData As
Response As Integer)
Dim rst As Recordset

If MsgBox(NewData & " Is Not In The Attribute
Table " &
vbNewLine _
& "Do you want to add it", _
vbInformation + vbYesNo, "Not Found") =
Me.cboActivity = Me.cboActivity.OldValue
'Add the new record with the key field.
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO
& "VALUES ('" & NewData & "');"),
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
rst.FindFirst "[Activity] = '" & NewData &
Me.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Set rst = Nothing
Response = acDataErrAdded
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If

End Sub



How would i usually have a search then? The only
could get it to work
was to unbound it and have it as a text box. I am
there was an easier
way e.g. Bound by combo or something but every

Matt Dawson

Yes, sorry i always have the problem of explaining things poorly.

Ignore, the default value, its my fault.

Right, within this form is a set of data, some fixed and some which is
entered when Agents call a particular client. I then have reports containing
whether a quote has been sent, rejected or not sent (ie call backs) and I
need a date field to go into only the not sent reports so i can pick up the
date of the calls.

How do i go about this. THe other two fields, have check boxes that bring up
the date within the form.


Douglas J. Steele said:
The form must be open if you're trying to refer to it in the query.

I think you're going to have to step back and explain exactly what it is
you're trying to do. I don't understand what you mean about only wanting the
ones that have had some form of entry in the form. I also don't understand
what you mean about default values for current records. Default values only
apply to new records: once the record's been saved, the field either has a
value or it doesn't, but the default value no longer applies.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Matt Dawson said:
When it is closed, the parameter appears and even when the form is open,
date does not get updated. I do not awnt all records to have the date
contained. I only want the ones that have been had some form of entry in
the form!

Also, for current records, how do I get the default value to be the
user, rather than just for blank records. My form styarts with a blank
with has the correct default, but then as soon as i select a recrod this
dissapears. Is it possible?


Douglas J. Steele said:
Make sure you haven't mistyped the name of the form, or of the text box.

I assume that the form is open when you're running the query.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

The problem is that it does not recognise the
keeps asking me for a parameter.

The DateToday field is the text box with the default value set to
For some reason it wont recognise this.

ANy ideas?


Good catch. I would not be surprised.


PMFJI. The fact that Matt's commenting about "at this late hour"
implies to
me that he's probably located across the Atlantic from us. That
Short Date format may be set to something other than mm/dd/yyyy. If
Short Date format is dd/mm/yyyy, that means the SQL is going to see
Acceptance.[Date] = #04/10/2006#, but Access will treat it as the
April, because that's what Access does.

Matt, try:

Acceptance.[Date] =

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I put this in the Criteria row of the query builder in the holdate
it worked fine


Have pretty much tried everything around that and I cant get it

I called the text box Date Today and tried both formulas and to

In the SQL it read: Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
Today] & "#") and then i tried without the #.




Try it without the #
Acceptance.[Date] = ([Forms]![Acceptance]![Date])

Date is not a good name for a field or a control since it is an
reserved word. The brackets should remove any confusion, but I
that even that is 100% reliable.


It doesnt really like the date formula:

In SQL i have entered Acceptance.[Date] = ("#" &
& "#").

The first acceptance is the name of the table and the second



Now we are talking about two different things. I don't
how the
RequestID you are looking up and how the Date relate.

The date issue is pretty straight foward. If you are going
always use
the current date, it can be in the query. If the user can
the date,
the control they put it in does not have to be bound. When
reference the
value of a control on a form in a query, the query doesn't
know and
care whether it is bound. It only looks at the value.
referecing a
form control in a query, regardless of where the control is
query, it
is simply

There are a couple of issues surrounding dates in queries.
You may
need to
"#" & [Forms]![FormName]![ControName] & "#" to tell the
it is
a date.
Also, if you are doing something like
[SomeTableDateField] = "#" &
[Forms]![FormName]![ControName] &
and the
date in the table was populated using Now(), which contains
time as
well as
date, and comparing it to a date only Date() value, it will
match, because the time portions will be different.


Its been a long day!

WOrrying how I can not suss that myself even at this late

Did you understand what i meant about the date. I need
date in the
form which then updates the relevant query and then in
report. I can have a field which brings up the current
but i
can't then
get this into the relevant query. If i make it bound it
comes up
blank as the record has a blank date.



It does the type ahead on the combo's row source. A
to have a row
source. It can be a table, query, an SQL statement if
choose Table/Query
as the row source type. You can also select a Value
is a typed in
list of values, or a Field list, which will show all
in a table or

The most common way to do this is with a query. If you
want to
look up
values in a specific field in your table and the values
unique, then you
can use something like this
SELECT FieldToSearch FROM TableToSearch;

Don't confuse a Control Source with a Row Source. The
source is
used for binding the combo to a field. A Row Source is
the combo


Yes but if i turn it into a combo and it is unbound,
not do the "type
ahead thing" as it is not bound to anything. Surely
have to be bound
in order for this to happen?

Also, I have added a date field to the form which I
appear in the
reports. It show today's date but i cant get it to
the reports. Do
you understand where I am coming from?

How do I make it so that the date that the quote was
on has the date
with it?



Typically, you would use an unbound Combo. The
control is ideally
suited for doing this because it has the Autoexpand
property which, when set
to Yes, does the "type ahead" thing and allows the
user to
find the value
quickly without having to type in the entire value.
also has the Not In
List property which either prevents or allows users
enter values that are

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