Refresh Text box after update



I have a combo box that has 8 fields in it. Once you make a selection in the
combo box it only shows the first field. I was putting text boxes on the
form next to the combo box to show the 7 fields that do not show. I was
using the following code in the txt box control source - =[Name of the combo
box].[Column](3) (which will display the value of the 4th column since
counting starts at 0 - so 1st column =0 etc.
My problem is that when the form is open the text boxes show the first
selection but when I make another choice in the combo box, my text boxes do
not update. What else should I be doing to get the text boxes to update with
the combo box selection?


Hi Loraine

Put this AfterUpdate on the combo box

Private Sub ComboBoxName_AfterUpdate()
Me.TextBoxName = Me.ComboBoxName.Column(3)
End Sub

Hope this helps

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