


I often see relationships in the relationship window that have the 1 and
infinity symbols to show the one-to-many relationship. I am having trouble
telling which direction the relationship is going. How can I be sure which
way the relationship goes and how can I get those symbols to appear?

David F Cox

You double click on the join line and a relationships window appears. It is
self explanatory.


With sincerity, thanks for your reponse, but if it was self-explanatory I
would not be asking this question. I find it anything but self-explanatory.

David F Cox

Sorry, I obviously did not work hard enough, and I did not walk through the
process either.

If you double click on the line joining two fields in different tables you
should see a pop-upthat says join properties. Here you can set up how the
relationship works, equivalent to an Inner join , Left-Join or a Right-join.
This changes the join line to being just a line or having an arrow head at
one end. In an old version of Access , as I recall, you could then open
another pop-up to enforce referential integrity. This is why I said
"obvious". Setting referential integrity has the effect of putting the
infinty symbol at one end. It means that Access enforces the rules. An order
will have an order line, and order line will have an order header. I do not
know when things changed, but in Access 2007 apparently we have to set
referential integrity elsewhere. I suggest help on "referential" or wait for
someone more up to speed to tell us how to do it in the version you are

Van T. Dinh

"...If you double click on the line joining two fields in different tables
should see a pop-upthat says join properties. Here you can set up how the
relationship works, equivalent to an Inner join , Left-Join or a Right-join.

I think you described the process when we double-click a Join line in the
QBE here. When you click a Relationship line in the Relationship window,
you get the "Edit Relationship" dialog and in this dialog, there is a
CommandButton "Join Type ..." where you can set the join as Inner / Left
Outer / Right Outer join.

(using A2002)

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