Revision Collection Bug



(Word 2000 9.0.3821 SR-1)
There appears to be a bug in the way Word handles
revisions in Tables.

1) Create a new document.
2) Turn Change Tracking on.
3) Add a simple table.
4) Add text to the cells
5) In VBA you will find the following:

a) ActiveDocument.Revisions.Count = 0 even though there
are changes plain to see and highlighted in the table.

b) If you do a for each loop through the revisions
collection it will loop once but a "Deleted Object" will
be returned.

Has anyone encountered this/is it a known bug/is there a

Here is a snapshot of the code:

' turn screen updating off because we need to show deleted
text as strikethrough to be able to accept/reject it
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Options.DeletedTextMark =
' I turn track revisions off because I make some changes
to the document but removing this line does not make a
m_oDocument.TrackRevisions = False

For nLoop = 1 To ActiveDocument.Revisions.Count
'no revisions will be found
Next nLoop

For Each oRevision in ActiveDocument.Revisions
' first object is deleted


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