right margin info



whenever I put in an address in a new e-mail, a subject for a new
e-mail, info in a new contact, etc. all of the information is right
justified - appears on right hand side of box. I can't find a setting
to fix this. Any ideas?

Barry Wainwright

whenever I put in an address in a new e-mail, a subject for a new
e-mail, info in a new contact, etc. all of the information is right
justified - appears on right hand side of box. I can't find a setting
to fix this. Any ideas?

It is a problem reported occasionally and appears to be related to viewing
certain badly formatted complex HTML mails. Usually quitting and restarting
entourage will fix the problem.


quitting and restarting doesn't help - and this occurs whenever I
create a message or contact. Does not occur when I am viewing someone
else's message.


Paul Berkowitz

quitting and restarting doesn't help - and this occurs whenever I
create a message or contact. Does not occur when I am viewing someone
else's message.

I thought this was meant to be fixed by the SP 1 update (v11.1.0) for Office
2004. Have you updated? (Run Microsoft AutoUpdater in /Applications three

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/faq/index.html>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <http://macscripter.net/scriptbuilders/>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


My version of Entourage 2004 is 11.1.0. Have jsut run the updater
three times - each time it says there are no updates available.


Paul Berkowitz

My version of Entourage 2004 is 11.1.0. Have jsut run the updater
three times - each time it says there are no updates available.

That's the latest version. So it looks like this wasn't fixed then, or
there's more than one cause.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/faq/index.html>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <http://macscripter.net/scriptbuilders/>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


I deleted the progam and reinstalled. The problem has gone. Should
have done that orginally!


Paul Berkowitz

I deleted the progam and reinstalled. The problem has gone. Should
have done that orginally!

Quite possibly this process got rid of some preference. Possibly just
removing the Entourage preferences files or all of Microsoft folder in
Preferences after updating would have done the trick. But it's very good to
know - thanks for reporting it. If the problem comes back, let us know.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/faq/index.html>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <http://macscripter.net/scriptbuilders/>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


I have been having the same problem; I'm on an iBook G4 800 MHz with
640MB RAM with all software updates to OS and Entourage 2004. My
impression (haven't really tested this) is that the problem crops up
after the computer has slept with Entourage open. Also, my impression
is the problem didn't start until I updated to Mac OS 10.3.7. Sometimes
quitting Entourage solves the problem, but sometimes I need to restart
the iBook. I'll try deleting preferences files next time it crops up.
I'm curious to know if re-installing Entourage proves a permanent fix.


Well - I thought I had fixed the problem when I re-installed Entourage,
but not so. After using for a couple of hours I noticed that new
entries started being right justified again - in addressing e-mail, in
entering contact data, and other activities. Computer has not been


Voltaire Santos Miran

Tim, by any chance do you have ³display complex HTML² selected in your
preferences? I¹ve noticed that my input screens (new mail message, contact,
etc.) become right-justified immediately after I view an HTML message.
Quitting the program restores things temporarily, but every time a complex
HTML message comes in, Entourage reverts to right-justified input screens.
As of yet, I haven¹t found a fix...


Thanks for pointing out this preference. With the "display complex
html" selected, I can re-create the right justification problem by
viewing msg's with a lot of html. After de-selecting the option, I'm
not having the problem anymore (but the html msg's are a lot harder to
read, too).


Voltaire Santos Miran

Dan and Tim, I just spent some time on the phone with Microsoft, and it
turns out that this is an issue that a lot of people are having. It¹s a
known bug, they¹re working on it, but they don¹t have a ETA for an update
that will fix the problem. In the meantime, I¹m told that there are two

1. Once you view an HTML email, you need to turn the preference off for
complex HTML viewing
2. You can quit out of the program and know that, once another HTML email
comes in, you¹ll see the right-justified information issues again

Of course, the third option is to turn the complex HTML preference off
altogether and wade through the text-based versions of those emails

If I get any updates, I¹ll post to the newsgroup. Thanks, and have a safe
and happy new year!

P.S. I wonder if a stopgap option might be to write a script that toggles
that preference on and off. I¹ve got no experience in doing something like
that. Anyone else able to do it?

Allen Watson

Are you saying that toggling the complex HTML preference off and on will
reset something so the problems won't occur?


All -
this reading complex HTML messages preference seems to be the problem;
I just tested by turning office and re-launching. No more right

Paul -
Yes, this is a big deal worth fixing. When the right margin problem
occurs it's not just the placement of the address on the right hand
side; in the address book all entries are also on the right (and it's
worse than that, the data are initially not there, but when you go to
add characters, say a name, all of a sudden this "hidden" information
shows up, on the right margin).

And I see no reason to have to read messages in two different sessions
using two difference preferences,

It needs to be fixed.



TPJim said:
All -
this reading complex HTML messages preference seems to be the problem;
I just tested by turning office and re-launching. No more right

Paul -
Yes, this is a big deal worth fixing. When the right margin problem
occurs it's not just the placement of the address on the right hand
side; in the address book all entries are also on the right (and it's
worse than that, the data are initially not there, but when you go to
add characters, say a name, all of a sudden this "hidden" information
shows up, on the right margin).

And I see no reason to have to read messages in two different sessions
using two difference preferences,

It needs to be fixed.



For what it is worth, I was experiencing this annoying problem and
could only solve it by toggling complex HTML - until, for another
reason, I arhived and restored my system. The Entourage
right-justification problem seems to have now disappeared, at least for
the last week!

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