Saving as a Web Page



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel When I 'Save as Web Page', it doesn't view like a presentation— it views with a list of the slides at the left side with a bar separating the list from the actual slides. (The navigation arrows are there at the bottom as they should be.) As I saved, in the WebOptions, I set 'Full Screen' under the Appearance tab and '21" Monitor' under Pictures. I have tried changing the other options but nothing will make it look like a regular presentation on the web site. What am I doing wrong? I have seen other people do it in Windows and it looked great. Thanks for your help.

Steve Rindsberg

Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor:
Intel When I 'Save as Web Page', it doesn't view like a
presentation— it views with a list of the slides at the left side
with a bar separating the list from the actual slides. (The
navigation arrows are there at the bottom as they should be.) As I
saved, in the WebOptions, I set 'Full Screen' under the Appearance
tab and '21" Monitor' under Pictures. I have tried changing the
other options but nothing will make it look like a regular
presentation on the web site. What am I doing wrong? I have seen
other people do it in Windows and it looked great. Thanks for your

On the Windows version, when you go to save as a Web Page, there's a
Tools option that you get to in one way or another depending on
version. They keep moving it around.

Under Tools, there's Web Options.

One of the web options (on the General tab) is "Add slide navigation
controls". If you remove the check next to it, you get slides only, no
slide titles down the left side.


One of the web options (on the General tab) is "Add slide navigation
> controls". If you remove the check next to it, you get slides only, no
> slide titles down the left side.

Yes, correct, it seems to work like a charm in WIndows! But on my Mac, no go. That Option you mention appears on my Mac under the Web Options 'Appearance' tab and it says 'Navigation buttons:' then there's a dropdown menu with the choices: Graphic, Regular, Text, None. I've had it set on 'None' every time but still the Slide List shows up at the left side and the arrows show up at the bottom. So sad. I wish someone could tell me some way to get rid of the list and keep the navigation arrows. It's not an option to toss my Mac out and go buy a PC instead.

Jeff Chapman


Yes, correct, it seems to work like a charm in WIndows! But on my Mac, no go.
That Option you mention appears on my Mac under the Web Options 'Appearance'
tab and it says 'Navigation buttons:' then there's a dropdown menu with the
choices: Graphic, Regular, Text, None. I've had it set on 'None' every time
but still the Slide List shows up at the left side and the arrows show up at
the bottom. So sad. I wish someone could tell me some way to get rid of the
list and keep the navigation arrows.

There are two things that may help:

(1) Use the square navigation control at the bottom left of the
slide navigation list to hide the slide list and show only the slides.
In fact, there are a few buttons that should be saving with the
web presentation that you can use to hide the navigation or
show the presentation in full screen mode.

(2) Do you have pop-up blocker functionality enabled in your browser?
I've noticed that when I save as web using the "Navigation controls: none"
option on PowerPoint 2008, and double-click on the HTML file to get
started, Firefox will tell me that a pop-up has been disabled, and gives me
an option in the drop-down menu whether I want to show "fullscreen.htm" or
not. When I tell it to display "fullscreen.htm", the presentation opens
in the browser in full screen (minus the browser navigation and address
bar). I don't see that notice in Safari.

In other words, you _can_ get full screen view and hide the
slide navigation, but this will depend on your browser's pop-up
blocker settings.



Hi Jeff,

OHMYGOSH! Disabling the pop-up blocker made it work!! I would have NEVER in a thousand years thought to try that! Yes, I had pop-up blocker turned on in all browsers - Safari, Foxfire and Opera. When I turned it off, the web version opened up WITHOUT the slide navigation at the left in all my browsers! Underneath, there was a second window open with the navigation showing. Crazy! So I just have to find a way to alert every viewer to the website to turn off their pop-up blocker first— not sure how realistic that is. PHEW, it's a relief to know what the snag is, though I don't quite understand it — I sure hope that Microsoft can change that in the future so PP for Mac will work like PP for WIndows. (oh, and I've never gotten the message that you describe in any of them.)

Thank you, thank you, thank you very much for your help! I'm impressed that you know of such an obscure thing like this!! WHOO-HOO!


Jeff Chapman

Hello Kay,

OHMYGOSH! Disabling the pop-up blocker made it work!! I would have NEVER in a
thousand years thought to try that! Yes, I had pop-up blocker turned on in all
browsers - Safari, Foxfire and Opera. When I turned it off, the web version
opened up WITHOUT the slide navigation at the left in all my browsers!
Underneath, there was a second window open with the navigation showing. Crazy!
So I just have to find a way to alert every viewer to the website to turn off
their pop-up blocker first— not sure how realistic that is. PHEW, it's a
relief to know what the snag is, though I don't quite understand it — I sure
hope that Microsoft can change that in the future so PP for Mac will work like
PP for WIndows. (oh, and I've never gotten the message that you describe in
any of them.)

Excellent to hear that.
I think that one reason why it seems to "work" in Windows is because
of the difference in browsers. The default Windows browser out of the
box is Internet Explorer. I haven't examined the JavaScript that
PowerPoint produces for the web version closely, but there may be
some coding there that prefers IE and adeptly handles the pop-up
issue in that browser only. Might be worth it to experiment by
saving to Web from PowerPoint 2008 for Mac, and then viewing that
file on IE for Windows. (IE for Mac is no longer available and has gone
the way of the dinosaur...)

That aside, if you don't use animation or music in your slide show,
you might consider saving as PDF.
Do you have Adobe Acrobat or another application that can edit
PDFs? PDF can be set to open in full screen mode, and is an
acceptable and widely-used method of delivering documents
over the Web.

Holler if you need any more help!


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