saving powerpoint as a web page


Myriam Malengreau

I'm working on Mac Os 10.3 with Powerpoint X.
I tried to save a powerpoint file for the web, and I got the announced
file with .htm extension and a folder. But when I try to visualize it
in Internet explorer 5 (or in Safari) I get a black page asking me to
open the default file. I tried both to open the file.htm page and some
of the .htm pages in the folder but I get the same result.
When I try to visualize the pages in "Dreamweaver MX 2004" I get the
same black pages again, but when looking at the html coding, there are
instructions on the page.
Does anyone know why I get these black pages when trying to visualise
..htm pages produced by powerpoint ?
Many thanks for any help.


Steve Rindsberg

When you save to html you normally get a file in the folder you saved to AND a
whole set of additional files in a subfolder.

Are you opening one of the files in the subfolder?

Myriam Malengreau

Steve Rindsberg said:
When you save to html you normally get a file in the folder you saved to AND a
whole set of additional files in a subfolder.

Are you opening one of the files in the subfolder?

That is right. The problem is that when I want to visualise either the
..htm isolated page or any .html page in the joined folder. I get a
black screen with the message "You must
load the default.htm file to view this presentation."

Someone described the same problem in this mail group on feb 3 2003
while using frames, but I am not using frames.
De :Adam ([email protected])
Objet :problem with PowerPoint conversion to HTML when using within

There seem to be a trouble in the html conversion but I don't see
which one. Do you or anyone have some idea ?


Steve Rindsberg

Are you opening one of the files in the subfolder?
That is right. The problem is that when I want to visualise either the
..htm isolated page or any .html page in the joined folder. I get a
black screen with the message "You must
load the default.htm file to view this presentation."

Can you give us a URL where this is posted on the web? That might help.
If not, let us know what version of PPT you use and what HTML options you've chosen.

Myriam Malengreau

Thank you Steve and Jim for caring about my problem.

I am using Internet explorer 5.2 as well as Safari and have the same
problem with both (and also with Dreamweaver MX2004 when trying to
visualize the pages).

I tried to use another copy of "Office X.1" and at first it seemed to
solve the problem and I could open the pages in all navigators . But
today, the problem reappeared and I am facing again that same black
page with "You must load the default.htm file to view this

I also tried to change the "web options" (preferences > general>web
options >appearance>color) and noticed that it gives a grey rectangle
for the "navigator's color" and a black one for"presentation's color"
while it was not so the day before when everything was right again.

There is nothing wrong with the powerpoint pages themselves as one of
my friend could easily transform them in readable web pages on his own
eMac with Mac Os 10.3.2. and Office X.1 like me.
So what ? It looks like something to do with the "web options"

Steve asks about the HTML option I'm using. Where is it possible to
choose html option? I only see "web options" in the preferences. ?

Any other suggestions ?


Steve Rindsberg

Steve asks about the HTML option I'm using. Where is it possible to
choose html option? I only see "web options" in the preferences. ?

That's the set of options I meant - sorry for the terminological misfire.

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