Saving subform layout datasheet view



Hi all

I have a form that contains a subform to display the results of a text
search, the subform is in datasheet view, when you click on a row, the
container form shows the fields of that record. The main form can show
the contents of three different record sets selected via a combo. When
the combo changes, the subform sourceObject and recordsource are
changed. all works fine except...

My users can resize the rows and cols in the subform but I am having
trouble saving the new sizes. When the application closes the layout
of the last seen subform is saved, but if I switch to another
recordset, i.e. change the contents of the subform, all resizing is

If I put some code into the subforms Form_MouseUp event, it is run
every time a row or column is resized, a message box says
"hello from " & Me.Name ( "Hello from frmResultsA")
marvelous, just what I want. If I put DoCmd.Save acForm, Me.Name in
this event I get RTE 2489 "The object frmResultsA isn't open". How can
it not be open when the event that fired the DoCmd is on the form????

Any ideas appreciated.


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