Scroll and zoom using a Microsoft IntelliMouse



I have attempted to use this answer, but I am unable to find the zoom on roll
command . here is the answer that was posted:
"I think i have the solution for you! Open Excel 2007 click the office
button(the circle button in the top left corner) Click on Excell Options>
Then Advanced on the left side> Then you can check the <Zoom on roll with
Any help would be appreciated.


It could be done with a worksheet macro or even conditional formatting. In
either case you need someplace to put the name to be highlighted. Although,
with a macro we could do away with that requirement by asking the user for
the name to be highlighted as part of the macro.

What do you prefer to do? Got a cell available on the sheet to put the name?

Shane Devenshire


I think I am missing something here?

1. I don't understand the response.
2. Zoom on roll with InteliMouse is about the 9th checkbox down in the
Advanced tab of the Excel Options dialog box - are you using 2007? In 2003
choose Tools, Options, General tab and check Zoom on roll with InteliMouse.

Is it possilbe that your mouse isn't supported by the appropriate drivers?

Shane Devenshire


You're not missing anything - either I clicked the wrong link when I intended
to respond to a different question, or the system went completely bonkers and
assigned my response to the wrong one! Glad you questioned it - I knew
something was up when I saw the notification come in regarding this post,
which I knew I hadn't (intentionally) dealt with at all!


OK, this time it's really for you.

The posted answer was correct.
1) Click the Office Button (yes, the round button at the upper left corner
of the entire Excel window - has 4 open squares in it of different
2) A window opens attached to the Office button, and down near the lower
right corner is a rectangular button labeled [Excel Options] - click it.
3) The Excel Options window opens and in the left hand pane are several
option groups listed - the 5th one down is "Advanced", click it.
4) Now in the right hand pane you'll see groups of advanced options listed
and the very first group is named EDITING OPTIONS.
5) The "Zoom on roll with IntelliMouse" is the 8th item down in the
left-hand most line of checkboxes.

Let us know if you have any trouble finding this, and if you do, just where
the trouble comes into play.

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