Searching RTF fields using GrooveForms2.QueryRecords()



Hi folks

I've made an .aspx page from which I'm searching for records made from a
form containing a rich text field. My problem is that apparently the records'
rich text field isn't searchable. According to a query like the ones
below should be "Valid for string and rich text fields."

txtTitle is a plain text field and in my test record contains the word
txtDescription is a rich text field and in my test record contains the word

The first query returns my test record, like it should.
whereClause = "ddlDocumentType = 'IT' AND (txtTitle LIKE '%title%' OR
txtDescription LIKE '%title%' OR txtKeyworks LIKE '%title%')"

The second query does not return my test record. It should.
whereClause = "ddlDocumentType = 'IT' AND (txtTitle LIKE '%description%' OR
txtDescription LIKE '%description%' OR txtKeyworks LIKE '%description%')"

I've tested this on other records than my test record and it doesn't work.

Does anybody have any ideas?

Thanks in advance

P.S. Shouldn't there be a group for question to the Groove SDK?

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