Send Mass e-mail with Ms.Word



Dear Sir/Madam

I am trying to send a document designed in Ms Word to a
bunch of people.

1.At first , I write a code in VBA to connect to Access
Database to retrieve a recordset.

2.Define a strRecipient ,loop thru the recordset to pass
to the strRecipient the recordset field e-mail

strRecipient = rst!Email

3 Call a function SendMassEmail(strRecipient As a string)

4 the Sub SendMassMail is

Sub SendMassMail(ByVal strRecipient As String)

With Application.ActiveDocument.MailEnvelope

With .Item

..Subject = "Here is the document."

End With
End With
End Sub
My problem is that everything works fine , when I step
into the code to the line of code :

" With Application.ActiveDocument.MailEnvelope"

I receive a run time error message 438 "Object does not
support this property or method".
I try to run the same procedure in MsWord 2000 and 2002.

Is anyone can help in pointing me to any knowledge base to
solve this issue or a workround to send a Word Document as
the Body meesage of an e-mail message to several peoples
at the same time from a recordset and to set the" to" =
recipient address property .

I do not want to send it as an attachement

Thank you

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Hi Mustic,

Use a Mail merge to email. It will do it all for you.

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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