Setting shapesheet cell values


Bryant Lemieux

This being my first attempt at some additional functionality via VBA.

Solution Idea: Have Startshape's user cell "User.TargetShape" updated with
the NameID of the Targetshape. I plan on having the VBA code fire once a
Startshape control has been connected to a Targetshape

Dim Startshape As Visio.Shape
Dim Targetshape As String

Set Startshape = Visio.ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem
Targetshape = Visio.ActiveWindow.Selection.PrimaryItem.Connects.ToSheet.NameID

'add Targetshape name to user cell of Startshape

Startshape.Cells(User.Targetshape).Formula = "=" & Targetshape

However, I keep getting a "Runtime error "424" Object Required" message
which occurs on the last line of code.

When running this code I made sure I had both the main visio window active
as well as the Startshape (by itself) selected.
I have looked extensively for answers and have tried many different examples
to no avail.

Many thanks to all who respond!

Bryant Lemieux

Thanks for the suggestion, Unfortunately, I'm getting the same error.

I know it's something simple

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