Shift Roster on Excel, pls help



Who can help me to auto generate roster on excel, it is very
complicate...pls help...

1) bill date (5, 7, 11, 14, 17, 21, 25 and end of month) need to 6 day
3 night, but if Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday need to 2 day 2
2) non bill date only need to 6 day 2 night staff
3) non bill date if Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday need to 2 day
and 1 night
4) if on Friday, need to 5 day 3 night
5) on shift staff, each staff need to have 1 double off on roster and
one Saturday off, two Sun off another 2 off on weekend, they cannot
continuous more then 5 days work and cannot last day on NIGHT shift,
next day on DAY shift
6) if Staff A on night duty, and that night only 2 staff or 1 staff,
it may be additional add 1 more staff on night shift too

10 Staff in a Team, 4 staff is not on shift, that mean only on duty at
day and day off on Sat, Sun and Public Holiday; another 6 staff need
to on shift duty, how can I to be fair to automatically generate a
roster? A roster basic on 4 week, start on Monday.

More information, all staff must be on duty job (except one of
department head, he is not on shift duty, only duty at day and day off
on Sat, Sun and Public Holiday)

A = day
N = night
A/R = duty 1
A/E = duty 2
A/M = duty 3 (except on Sat, Sun and Public Holiday)


I started the code below but need more info to continue. I don'
understadn the Term "Shift staff". Also, is there a minimum number o
hours each employee need to work? I don't understand the supervisor
shcedule. Does the 10 employees include the supervisor or is th
supervisor in addition to the 10 other employees. Also how man
supervisors are there.

the code requeire the workbook to have at least on sheet Name
"Holidays". On this sheet put the word Holiday in cell A1. Then lis
all the holidays in a date format starting in cell A2.

The code will delete all sheets except the sheet named Holidays an
create a 12 month clendar with the number of employees needed eac

I'm thinking of rotating the employees but don't have all th
requirements. Usually you would have an employee work 5/6 days on
shift then have two days off and going to next shift.

VBA Code:

Const NumberOfStaff = 10
Const FirstShiftRow = 6
Const SkipRows = 3
Sub GenerateCalendar()

'set up rows on worksheet where to start each shift
SecondShiftRow = FirstShiftRow + NumberOfStaff + SkipRows

'code assigns Employees in Order
EmployeeCount = 1

'Get holiday range
With Sheets("Holidays")
LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set HolidayRange = .Range("A2:A" & LastRow)
End With

MyYearStr = InputBox("Enter Year : ")
MyYear = Val(MyYearStr)

'Delete All sheets except Holiday

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For ShtCount = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
If Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Holidays" Then
End If
Next ShtCount
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

For MonthCount = 1 To 12
'start calendar on column 2
ColCount = 2

'Get LastDay of the Month as a date
'the last day of the month is the day before
'the 1st day of the next month
LastDay = DateSerial(MyYear, MonthCount + 1, 1) - 1

'put name of month on worksheet tab
Set NewSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
With NewSht
.Name = MonthName(MonthCount, abbreviate:=True)

.Range("A3") = "Bill Date"
.Range("A4") = "Holiday"
.Range("A" & FirstShiftRow) = "First Shift Number Needed"
.Range("A" & SecondShiftRow) = "Second Shift Number Needed"

'put days of month on column Header
For DayCount = 1 To Day(LastDay)
MyDate = DateSerial(MyYear, MonthCount, DayCount)
.Cells(1, ColCount) = Day(MyDate)
.Cells(2, ColCount) = Format(MyDate, "DDD")

'check if Bill Date
Select Case Day(MyDate)
Case 5, 7, 11, 14, 17, 21, 25, Day(LastDay)
BillDate = True
Case Else
BillDate = False
End Select
.Cells(3, ColCount) = BillDate

'check if date is a holiday
Holiday = False
For Each MyHoliday In HolidayRange
If MyDate = MyHoliday Then
Holiday = True
.Cells(4, ColCount) = "Yes"
Exit For
End If

Next MyHoliday
If Weekday(MyDate, vbSunday) = vbSaturday Or _
Weekday(MyDate, vbSunday) = vbSunday Or _
Holiday = True Then

If BillDate = True Then
AM_Needed = 2
PM_Needed = 2
AM_Needed = 2
PM_Needed = 1
End If


If BillDate = True Then
AM_Needed = 6
PM_Needed = 3
If Weekday(MyDate, vbSunday) = vbFriday Then
AM_Needed = 5
PM_Needed = 3
AM_Needed = 6
PM_Needed = 2
End If
End If

End If

.Cells(FirstShiftRow, ColCount) = AM_Needed
.Cells(SecondShiftRow, ColCount) = PM_Needed

ColCount = ColCount + 1
Next DayCount
End With

Next MonthCount

End Sub



Hi Joel,

sorry for mis-information and very thanks you your big help.

On Shift staff (6 staff), total day off is 7 days, it must be include
1 time 2 continuous day off, 1 day off on Saturday, one day off on
Sunday, another 3 day off on weekday; Also they cannot continuous more
then 5 days work and cannot last day on NIGHT shift, next day on DAY

10 employees include the supervisor, 4 staff (include the supervisor)
is office hour work 9:00-18:30; another 6 staff is Shift staff, that
mean they need to report duty on DAY shift (9:00-18:30) or NIGHT shift

How about the job duties schedule, how can I to be fair......

all staff must be on duty job (exclude one of supervisor)

A = day
N = night
N/R = night job duty
A/R = day job duty 1
A/E = day job duty 2
A/M = day job duty 3 (NOT include on Sat, Sun and Public Holiday)


Hi Joel,

Can you send me your file to me, because I got error message on VBA.


I updated my code. The code below starts by asigning holidays only.
See if this looks fair. I setup a queue to select employee for each
shift. I assigned a point value depending on the type of day/shift the
employee is working. so I start out by going through the entire
calendar year and each holiday I choose the employees to work wih the
lowest score which I get from the queue. The scores in the queue can be
changed if the assinments don't look correct.

Job duties may be assigned random based on the people working. I'm also
thinking if a person works a holiday on either Saturday or Sunday they
should work both weekend dates.

Let me know what your holidays are so I'm woking with the same schedule
you have. My next task would be to assign weekends. I would check if
he person is working a holiday in the middle of the week and not assign
the person to work either the weekend before or the weekend after the

Is it better for a person to have both Saturday and Sunday off together
or have a person work either Saturday or Sunday.

I would then assign the 7 days off for each person. Is the 7 days off
for the month?

Look at the code and se if there is any problems with my logic for
assinments. Based on my scoring system I will assign night before day
shift base on the lowest score in the queue. Then fill in the day
schedule with the remaining workers.

VBA Code:

Const NumberOfStaff = 10
Const FirstShiftRow = 6
Const SkipRows = 3

Const WorkDayValue = 1
Const PMBonus = 0.2
Const WeekendBonus = 0.5
Const HolidayBonus = 1

Enum WorkType
End Enum

Type CalendarDay
AM As Integer
PM As Integer
Holiday As Boolean
BillDate As Boolean
Employee(NumberOfStaff) As WorkType
End Type

Type EmployeeScore
Number As Integer
Score As Single
End Type

'366 days to include leap years
Dim WorkYear(0 To 365) As CalendarDay
Dim Queue(0 To (NumberOfStaff - 1)) As EmployeeScore
Sub MakeSchedule()

MyYearStr = InputBox("Enter Year : ")
MyYear = Val(MyYearStr)

'Delete All sheets except Holiday

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For ShtCount = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1
If Sheets(ShtCount).Name <> "Holidays" Then
End If
Next ShtCount
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

'initialize employee queue
For EmployeeCount = 0 To (NumberOfStaff - 1)
Queue(EmployeeCount).Number = EmployeeCount + 1
Queue(EmployeeCount).Score = 0
Next EmployeeCount

Call MakeCalendar(MyYear)
Call AssignHolidays(MyYear)
Call OutputCalendar(MyYear)

End Sub
Sub AssignHolidays(MyYear)

FirstDay = DateSerial(MyYear, 1, 1)
LastDay = DateSerial(MyYear + 1, 1, 1) - 1

DayCount = FirstDay
DayOfYear = 0
Do While DayCount <= LastDay
If WorkYear(DayOfYear).Holiday = True Then
Call SortQueue

DayScore = WorkDayValue + HolidayBonus

If Weekday(DayCount, vbSunday) = vbSaturday Or _
Weekday(DayCount, vbSunday) = vbSunday Then

DayScore = DayScore + WeekendBonus
End If

QueCount = 0
'assign employee to work based on order in queue

'Assign AM work
For EmployeeCount = 1 To WorkYear(DayOfYear).AM
EmployeeNumber = Queue(QueCount).Number
'add the day value to employee score
Queue(QueCount).Score = Queue(QueCount).Score + _
WorkYear(DayOfYear).Employee(EmployeeNumber) = WorkAM
QueCount = QueCount + 1
Next EmployeeCount

'Assign PM work
For EmployeeCount = 1 To WorkYear(DayOfYear).AM
EmployeeNumber = Queue(QueCount).Number
'add the day value to employee score
Queue(QueCount).Score = Queue(QueCount).Score + _
DayScore + PMBonus
WorkYear(DayOfYear).Employee(EmployeeNumber) = WorkPM
QueCount = QueCount + 1
Next EmployeeCount

End If
DayOfYear = DayOfYear + 1
DayCount = DayCount + 1

End Sub

Sub SortQueue()
For i = 0 To (NumberOfStaff - 2)
For j = (i + 1) To (NumberOfStaff - 1)
If Queue(i).Score > Queue(j).Score Then
'swap employees
temp = Queue(i).Number
Queue(i).Number = Queue(j).Number
Queue(j).Number = temp

temp = Queue(i).Score
Queue(i).Score = Queue(j).Score
Queue(j).Score = temp

End If
Next j
Next i

End Sub

Sub MakeCalendar(MyYear)

'Get holiday range
With Sheets("Holidays")
LastRow = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set HolidayRange = .Range("A2:A" & LastRow)
End With

FirstDay = DateSerial(MyYear, 1, 1)
LastDay = DateSerial(MyYear + 1, 1, 1) - 1

DayCount = FirstDay
DayOfYear = 0
Do While DayCount <= LastDay

'Get LastDay of the Month as a date
'the last day of the month is the day before
'the 1st day of the next month
LastDayofMonth = DateSerial(MyYear, _
Month(DayCount) + 1, 1) - 1

'check if Bill Date
Select Case Day(DayCount)
Case 5, 7, 11, 14, 17, 21, 25, Day(LastDayofMonth)
BillDate = True
Case Else
BillDate = False
End Select
WorkYear(DayOfYear).BillDate = BillDate

'check if date is a holiday
Holiday = False
For Each MyHoliday In HolidayRange
If DayCount = MyHoliday Then
Holiday = True
Exit For
End If

Next MyHoliday
WorkYear(DayOfYear).Holiday = Holiday

If Weekday(DayCount, vbSunday) = vbSaturday Or _
Weekday(DayCount, vbSunday) = vbSunday Or _
Holiday = True Then

If BillDate = True Then
AM_Needed = 2
PM_Needed = 2
AM_Needed = 2
PM_Needed = 1
End If


If BillDate = True Then
AM_Needed = 6
PM_Needed = 3
If Weekday(DayCount, vbSunday) = vbFriday Then
AM_Needed = 5
PM_Needed = 3
AM_Needed = 6
PM_Needed = 2
End If
End If

End If
WorkYear(DayOfYear).AM = AM_Needed
WorkYear(DayOfYear).PM = PM_Needed

For EmployeeCount = 0 To (NumberOfStaff - 1)
WorkYear(DayOfYear).Employee(EmployeeCount) = NotScheduled
Next EmployeeCount

DayOfYear = DayOfYear + 1
DayCount = DayCount + 1

End Sub

Sub OutputCalendar(MyYear)

FirstDay = DateSerial(MyYear, 1, 1)
LastDay = DateSerial(MyYear + 1, 1, 1) - 1

CurrentMonth = 0
DayOfYear = 0

DayCount = FirstDay
Do While DayCount <= LastDay
If Month(DayCount) <> CurrentMonth Then
'if not first month autformat columns
If CurrentMonth <> 0 Then
End If

'add newsheet
'put name of month on worksheet tab
Set MonthSht = Sheets.Add(after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count))
CurrentMonth = CurrentMonth + 1

With MonthSht
.Name = MonthName(CurrentMonth, abbreviate:=True)

.Range("A3") = "Bill Date"
.Range("A4") = "Holiday"
.Range("A" & FirstShiftRow) = "First Shift Number Needed"
.Range("A" & FirstShiftRow + 1) = "Second Shift Number Needed"

'Put emplyee number in row header
For EmployeeCount = 1 To NumberOfStaff
.Range("A" & _
(FirstShiftRow + EmployeeCount + SkipRows)) = _
"Employee " & EmployeeCount

Next EmployeeCount

End With

ColCount = 2
End If

With MonthSht
'put days of month on column Header
.Cells(1, ColCount) = Day(DayCount)
.Cells(2, ColCount) = Format(DayCount, "DDD")
.Cells(3, ColCount) = WorkYear(DayOfYear).BillDate
.Cells(4, ColCount) = WorkYear(DayOfYear).Holiday

.Cells(FirstShiftRow, ColCount) = WorkYear(DayOfYear).AM
.Cells(FirstShiftRow + 1, ColCount) = WorkYear(DayOfYear).PM

For EmployeeCount = 0 To (NumberOfStaff - 1)
Select Case WorkYear(DayOfYear).Employee(EmployeeCount)
Case NotScheduled
WorkTypeStr = ""
Case Work
WorkTypeStr = "Work"
Case Off
WorkTypeStr = "Off"
Case WorkAM
WorkTypeStr = "Work AM"
Case WorkPM
WorkTypeStr = "Work PM"
Case Else
WorkTypeStr = "Error"
End Select
'don't output anything if not schedule
If Len(WorkTypeStr) > 0 Then
.Cells( _
(FirstShiftRow + EmployeeCount + SkipRows), ColCount) = _
End If
Next EmployeeCount

End With

ColCount = ColCount + 1
DayOfYear = DayOfYear + 1
DayCount = DayCount + 1

'format columns in last month

End Sub



And one Big problem, some staff have special request on roster, (e.g.
Staff A want to DAY shift on 13/5/2010, Staff B want to NIGHT shift on
14/05/2010, Staff C want to OFF on 15/5/2010, sometimes have special
request on annual leave too). If Public holiday, will be get
additional one day compensate off , (e.g. on Apr have one day public
holiday, so that the total day off should be 7 days + 1 day compensate

This is too hard and very complicate roster…I’m very headache to
handle this roster on fair…


Hi Joel,

Shown error message when I run the VBA, "Compile error: Cannot define
a Public user-defined type within an object module"

Pls Help~~


Make sure you copied all the code. Also the code should go into
Module. Insert a module from the VBa menu Insert then add code t

The fairest approach is to make a schedule for the entire year which i
random like what I've done so far. I could do a monthly schedule whic
goes back into the previous days worked a learns which days a person ha
already worked. That get more complicated. The schedule requirement
are already complicated.


Thanks you very much, Joel.
But after run the marco, I find that missing generate job duties on
schedule and the Employee 10 is missing shift duty on Public
Holiday......Pls give me a big hand~~


Thanks you very much, Joel.
But after run the marco, I find that missing generate job duties (A, A/
M, A/R, A/E, N and N/R)* on schedule and the Employee 10 is missing
shift duty on Public
Holiday......Also, find out the schedule if on public holiday but not
in bill date, it generate 4 staff on duty, but it should be only 2 AM
staff and 1 PM staff only.....Pls give me a big hand~~

* A only for Day shift
A/M only for Day shift but need to handling some Specify job duty1
A/R only for Day shift but need to handling some Specify job duty2
A/E only for Day shift but need to handling some Specify job duty3
N only for Night shift
N/R only for Night shift but need to handling some Specify job duty4


Thanks you very much, Joel.
But after run the marco, I find that missing generate job duties (A,
M, A/R, A/E, N and N/R)* on schedule and the Employee 10 is missing
shift duty on Public
Holiday......Also, find out the schedule if on public holiday but not
in bill date, it generate 4 staff on duty, but it should be only 2 AM
staff and 1 PM staff only.....Pls give me a big hand~~

* A only for Day shift
A/M only for Day shift but need to handling some Specify job duty1
A/R only for Day shift but need to handling some Specify job duty2
A/E only for Day shift but need to handling some Specify job duty3
N only for Night shift
N/R only for Night shift but need to handling some Specify job duty4


I've been working on the code a little bit each day. I expect to b
finish tonight. I will check to make sure the problems you listed get

I'm generating the schedule in the following order

1) Holiday
2) Weekends - This is the most complicated sections. I'm schedulin
Saturday and Sunday together. I schedule on person on the AM shift fo
both Saturday and Sunday and one person one the PM shift for bot
Saturday and Sunday. Then I schedule the remaining people trying to no
schedule the same person on more than one shift. I also try not to
schedule a person when they work a holiday from Wednesday to Tuesda
(with the weekend in the middle). And I try not to schedule a perso
who works Friday Night on a holiday on Saturday morning then try not t
schedule a person who works on a Monday AM holiday on sunday night.

Meeting all these conditions and meeting the number of people yo
required to work is impossible. So there will be a few times when al
these conditions are not met. Usually the some of people who are of
for a holiday will also have to work the weekend.

There is a trade off between the reuirement for people to have bot
Saturday and Sunday Off and having people working both Saturday an
Sunday. I don't schedule people to have off both Sturday and Sunda
since with holidays and billing cyles this is impossible. Instead
rotate the pople who have off both days so everybody eventually get
both days off and equal number of times. I do the same thing wit
working only Saturday and working only Sunday. So if you look at th
schedule on a monthly basis you may not see everybody getting off bot
Saturday and Sunday together. But you will see the schedule rotating a
you go through the year.

3) I then schedule nights making sure pople don't work morre than
days in a row. Try not to schedule people Friday night after
scheduled them Saturday morning. And I also try not to schedule peopl
a night before a holiday when they are work the next morning.

4) Finally I will schedule the day shift. I will need to use one o
the shift workers on Friday to meet the demand for 5 people.

One question. Is there a minimum number of hours each shift perso
need to work? My plan is to only schedule people to meet the scedul
requirements and not to schedule any more people than the requirements.
I'm not sure if shift workers will get too many days off.


Oh joel, you are so helpful and "Thanks you" x 100 million.
Day shift 9:00am - 18:30pm
Night shift 12:00pm - 21:30pm


I got everything working last night but on the 78th day of the year the
macro couldn't fill a shift person because anybody available would of
worked for more than 5 days in a row. What I'm going to do is highlight
the cell in the worksheet Red and let the code continue. Then see if
there is a way to easily fix the problem. I think it occured on a
Friday day shift where I already schedule the person to work the
weekend. I have a few algoritms I thinking of using to stop this from
happening. Right now my queing system is comparing looking for the
person who worked the fewest number of days. Instead if I calculate the
number of days a person is working an individual week (including the
weekends and holidays I already scheduled) the problem may not occur.

I'm also getting a number of cases where a person is working a night
shift and is also scheduled to work the next day shift. I want to see
the number of times these issue occurs and see if I can easily fix the


Hi joel,

did you set the marco, these are 4 staff (include the supervisor) is
working on Day shift only (office hour 9:00-18:30) and day off on Sat,
Sun and Public holiday?


I wasn't the Staff, it was the shift people. The Staff people ar
simple. the problem is if you need 6 people on a billing Friday it i
difficult to find a 2 people from the shift workers who haven't worke
or will work 5 days in a row and are not working that night.

beancurd it no way to solve this problem?
if the shift staff can work 6 days, can help on this situation? but
need to better fewest time for the shift staff working on 6 days and
must to be fair.

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