= sign in formula changes to + when adding a cell or name



I trying to make different row within a list appear based on the content of a
couple of other cells.

Have tried using vaildation/list and then enter the formula. works fine if i
only have one if and and two names (ONE FOR TRUE ONE FOR FALSE).

This works using the following in source under data validation:


However I have more conditions and when I try to insert themas I proceed
through the next if statement my IF(X7= that I am try to enter is
automatically changed to a + sign and no matter what I try it keeps changing
it to the plus sign.

I then went outside of valiadtion and tried entering the same type of
formula in the formula barand it does not work there either.

Is the some limit to the number of names excel allows in a formula, is this
even possible , could Have something set wrong or am I approaching this
incorretly for excel.

What I have is a column off the working are with all the devices, which is
named all_devices. I have created several other names for different devices
possible given the choses in (combinations) A7 & F7. each name is for a
group of ascend rows.


Pl. paste the complete formula as soon as = truns to +

In general you should use
=IF(A1=10, "A1=10", IF(A1=0, "A1<> 10 but A1=0","A1<>10 and A1<>0"))


The formula I was trying to use is below:


It now works after some changes were made to the list names. I was trying
to use one column and pick diffferent rows based on the devices that would be
available for a given application. I changed the lists to separate columns
for each list and it works if you type the entire formula in the validation
source section. If you try to use the mouse to select the cells references in
the formula and use the insert name method you still get the cell or name
changing to a plus sign after the second IF(, .

Now comes the interesting part, setting up input displays with proision for
applicable nameplate or test results and then saving the data in two tabs
(one for all data entered and the other for just the nameplate data and
results for the tests, just the error for each test). Of cousre what makes
it interesting is that the layout for the two tabs will cahnge based on the
devices tested, so that you see the device withe the nameplate info and
applicalbe test results followed by the next device and applicalbe test
results. using input forms would be nice if I could figure out how to save
them so the layout changed based on the number of devices and test results.
A database program might be easier however I am restricted to excel 2002, as
the higher ups do not wish to use database programs. Plus the file will be
site specific ( file name will reflect the site) and will not contain any
info for other sites.

If you have any ideas on how I might accomplish this a little more
efficiently or effectively than I am planning they would be greatly


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