Simple script to send mail



I would like a simple script that will take an open message window
(draft) and do the following:
1. Apply a defined character set (i.e. "Greek (ISO)") - this is from
the menu Format - Character set.
2. Send the mail
My amateurish atempts to write one have failed*, so any help
appreciated. I need this because I often forget to apply the character
set and the text arrives at the other end as question marks.

*I tried something like this but nothing happened:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
if class of front window ≠ draft window then
display dialog "You must have a new message as the front window."
with icon 0
end if
set theCharacterSet to "Greek (ISO)"
end tell

Diane Ross

I would like a simple script that will take an open message window
(draft) and do the following:
1. Apply a defined character set (i.e. "Greek (ISO)") - this is from
the menu Format - Character set.
2. Send the mail
My amateurish atempts to write one have failed*, so any help
appreciated. I need this because I often forget to apply the character
set and the text arrives at the other end as question marks.

Save a Draft message, then duplicate it (cmd-D) when needed.


Check out these scripts on that create templates:


"Message Template" script by Paul Berkowitz
This script lets you save a template, including one in Rich Text HTML, for
personalized, styled and formatted messages complete with signature and
whatever else you want, which can be opened by a keyboard shortcut
command-control-N or from the Scripts menu, without having to hunt around
for it. Note: It does not facilitate complex HTML templates with pictures,
patterns or graphics. (Script ID: 251)

"Insert Notes" By: Barry Wainwright,
Allows for easy use of standardized 'Boiler Plate' text to be inserted into
mail or news messages. The standard text is stored in Entourage Notes which
must be assigned a category of 'Stationery'. When the script is run a dialog
is presented which allows the user to select one (or several) of these notes
and the text is then inserted into the current draft message. If no draft is
open, a new mail message is created with the contents of the selected notes.
(Script ID: 326)

"Open Template" by Bryan Harris.
Presents a list of templates stored in a folder called "TEMPLATES", and then
opens a new message based on the selected template. Very easy to use, can be
assigned a keyboard shortcut.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage

Mickey Stevens

First, open System Preferences, and then open Universal Access preferences.
Make sure the checkbox to "Enable access for assistive devices" is checked,
and then quit System Preferences and re-launch Entourage.

Copy this script into Script Editor:

tell application "System Events"
tell process "Microsoft Entourage"
pick menu item "Greek (ISO)" of menu 1 of menu item "Character Set"
of menu "Format" of menu bar item "Format" of menu bar 1
keystroke return using command down
end tell
end tell

Then, save the script into ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Entourage Script
Menu Items/. You can then run the script when you have a new message ready
to send, and the script will apply the correct character set.

(Note: "~" refers to your home folder, usually located in /Users/<Your


Many thanks Mickey, this works fine.

Diane: I like the templates idea, but I am not sure I could get it to
work when I reply to a message.


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