Slide Master in PPT2007 will not keep settings & won't work with 2


Kevin K

I have created a slide master in PowerPoint 2007 which will not keep
settings. I set up a page to have a title and bullets. The 1st 2 indents of
the bullet page are sentences where I do not want bullets, but levels 3 on I
do have bullets. In 2003 this works fine, but in 2007, the 1st 2 indents are
automatically given generic bullets after the file has been saved and
Also, when I use PPT2007 to open a file created in 2003 (with a created
slide master) and save it (even in compatibility mode), the slide master gets
messed up. When I send the file back to the person working in 2003, they can
no longer use that file because the slide master is so messed up. They end
up having to recreate the presentation.
I'd be happy to work with someone on this, but it really needs to be fixed.
Because of this, I will have to be downgraded from 2007 to 2003 to be
compatible with our customers and clients at my company.

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